Chapter 4

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Here is the 4th chapter!

Now, this is gonna be about the girl's trip to Japan for their upgrades.

As  I said I have put up the pics on my Wattpad account, they look like the ones in the photos but without any wires or joints showing. Like the hips there going to be covered up, in the Antho upgrade no wires or joints show. Also, the buttons on Freddy's chest alongside Spring  Bonnie's and puppets chest are not there.

I will also be adding in modern songs, hairstyles, and clothing and maybe messing with the Harry potter timeline to fit my own.

I  do NOT own Harry Potter or Five Nights at Freddy's, I only own my Ocs and story idea. I also don't own any of Adry53's work, all credit and rights go to him.

Pairing ideas would be nice!

Off we go!

Off we go!

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Chapter 4



Sitting inside a big room that was filled with 12 beds and random bits of clothing, was Halie. She was no longer a bulky suit of plastic, wires, and steel, she was now more advanced and humanoid looking. Her ears twitch as she looked up from the book she was reading to check the time,  it was almost half one in the afternoon. Nodding she put the book down and got up.

She hums having a nice stretch showing off her  C-cup-sized chest and slightly toned body that was achieved thanks to her new muscle cables, she stood up showing off her 6'2" height, she wasn't even the tallest one of her animatronic family.

It had been two months since she and the girls had arrived in Japan, and boy did they have one hell of an experience. The moment they arrived at the facility they were taken and looked over by both scientists and mechanics.

It got hectic when the workers discovered they were alive, let's just say the workers went all out on making their new upgraded bodies. Those teams were scary when given motivation, don't even get Halie started on the sci-fi and anime fans who looked like they had discovered the holy grail or something along those lines.

The first thing that was made was the newly named 'Spark chamber'  this is where the girl's Sparks were held, this chamber was in the shape of a heart that pumped oil around their bodies instead of blood.  This oil could also be replenished by drinking oil if they ever lost too much, Sabrina found this out by accident.

Anyway, their sparks rested inside the beating chamber, it could be opened for repairs but only for an emergency since the girls discovered the chambers were sensitive and it felt like their privacy got invaded if it was opened without reason.

Their frames or 'bones' are made from a lightweight but strong metal mixed with carbon fiber, their 'skin'  is a mixture of metal and silicone that is flexible enough to bend but still take a  beating but it can get torn by sharp items or if they're being hit with intent, like say for example something hitting them with a hammer, and synthetic fur/skin or in Cynthia and Sally's case synthetic feathers and scales.

Five Nights of Magic (Moved from Fanfiction) (On Haitus)Where stories live. Discover now