Chapter 8: Resolution

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Walking upon the breezy sunrise is the operatic singing of my mother from afar. My ears are filled with heavenly songs that i could see the light from afar. I grabbed my phone to see a message from seraphine.

["Hey, thank you for coming with us."] She texted.

["No worries. I would like to come again someday!"] I replied.

It took a long second before i got her response.

["Sure! Tonight sounds cool to you?"] Seraphine replied.

["Yup!"] I responded.

She hearted my text, and i went straight through the kitchen and ate my breakfast. I went to get ready for school, and thus i skiddaddle through my way to school.

It was a breezing stroll through the streets to go across to the school, it was wonderful and it was peaceful. I know what will come next upon entering that school, it was half way through my stroll when i noticed Celine from afar.

Her ashen hair shines brightly upon the sun, it's blinding me by only looking at it.

She glared over me, as if she knew that i am looking at her. She ran towards me with speed not even possible for a human being until she stopped infront of me with her face aimed through mines.

"Hello Vaughn, i have been notified that this is the school you're attending to." She said in a still monotone voice as she points the patch in her uniform.

She entered my school. It was a surprised to be sure, but a welcome one. But ofcourse, i am confused on why she entered the school i am in. Is it perhaps more efficient to be with other people with miracles, or something that meets the eye?

"You entered our school?" I asked as i pointsd towards her uniform.

She nodded her head in agreement.

"Seraphine informed me that i should join you on this school. She said that the closer to people with miracle users, the better." She replied.

It is really efficiency afterall, but to shake my mind upon this reveal. I still have something ahead of me, and that is the bully from the school. I can't protect myself, nor do i have a chance to get atleast a partial revenge on this dude. His parents are one of the most influential yet corrupt politicians in this town. Being in a beef with this man, will be the end of your life.

It is why i am concerned on what's to come as me and Celine walk together on our way to school.

≤ Present ≥

Yes i am a coward. Though i give such words that might inspire someone, i am a coward. Hiding through things that will get me into trouble, yet at the same time for the people around me. But hey you're asking.. does your miracle have different powers than traveling through the diverse and vast multiverse?

It is a question that will be answered soon.

≤ 15 years ago ≥

Celine and I arrived at the school, we are met with gazes upon our entrance. Celine is aware of this, and thus she hold my hands. My hands were cold from the anxiety of their gazes, and her hands gave warmth into it.

I felt comfortable for once around her, as we walk through the never ending gazes of the hallway of our school. But ofcourse, all fun things comes into an end when the bully grabbed by force upon Celine's hand and threw me at the locker.

I coughed blood through the floor. It's much worse than yesterday! The Bully grabbed me upon my neck, suffocating me but enough for me to talk to him.

"Where is the books that i have asked to answer?" The bully menacingly said.

His glare is murderous, i swear he could kill in any moment now if he wants to!

"Let him go."

As i am losing my conciousness, i heard the monotone voice echoes through my head.

I was let go of his grasp, falling towards the floor with my body being numb. But it was different this time, i am still concious and can see what is happening beyond what saved me.

"Are you perhaps the new girl to help this pretty little guy?!" The bully shouted towards Celine with a tone of mockery.

Celine's face stayed the same as she looked upon the bully's face. She gestured for his head to come near her, the bully lowered his head as Celine whispered something that made the bully nervous.

I could see his feet trembling with fear, and his face sweating bullets. He tried to go away, when out of the blue he was punched by someone from afar.

I squinted through my blurry vision to see a aqua blue hair man in a punching pose. It was Danny, along side with him is Angelica whom is behind him.

"Great..." I whispered to myself as i fell out of conciousness once again.

≤ Few Moments Later ≥

I was awaken by the sound chirping of the birds, i look behind me to see that the sky is still bright. Besides me is Celine to whom is asleep.

"Ah.. i got a deja vu for some reason." I mumbled through myself.

I could still feel the pain within my neck, but it's becoming numb as it went on.

Though the set up here in the clinic is somewhat familiar. I can't help but to feel warmth towards me, is it perhaps Celine's aura? Though her monotone personality, her body language is different. I could see the concern and sadness when we did the miracle thingy yesterday.

She woke up as i try to stroke her hair.

"Ah, you're awake Vaughn.."

I scratched my head as i smile.

"Y-yes! Been awake for a while!" I replied.

"What were you doing?"

"N-n-nothing at all!"

"I see.." she replied skeptically.

"Why aren't you in your class? Especially your first one?" I asked her confused.

"I choose to stay here instead. I am concerned for your well-being." She replied monotonely, yet at the same time i could feel something when i heard those words.

It's different from Angelica's..

My heart raced like a racecar, but at the same time. I could not think that much yet, i was already misled with Angelica. What if i am misled aswell with Celine..?
Is this what it feels to fall inlove?, But at the same doesn't know what's my actual feeling is?


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