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   Things weren't always like this, the world used to be beautiful, it had flowing rivers, vast oceans, forests with trees that seemed to touch the clouds. Magic was abundant, there was peace between all the different species under one organised government.

But that all ended when a new mysterious figure rose to power. This so called leader destroyed the land in his search for oil, this led to most of the species to go extinct. Because of the mass destruction the land was no longer habitable, The rest of the living population was struggling to survive until one day, a giant machine showed up, it was a walking city. it had three different layers. The big city on top, this is where only the rich could afford to live. The middle where the mass population lived, and the bottom layer for the poor and homeless, the only light there was that produced from neon signs and lights. The three layers rarely mingled, but this didn't stop some of the lower layer inhabitants from traveling to the big city. Most come back telling the tale of the sunlight, and the blue sky, the clouds and the wind. Most of which was hard to believe to the ones that lived they're whole life under the artificial light of the inside of the Walker.

Magic was strictly outlawed, If a spell caster was caught they would be publicly executed. Many people turned in loved ones and people they knew for the promise of money, which was usually never granted.

Any half human species were considered animals, and they were to be hunted. The Cat people, Bird people, Dog people, and Reptilian People were all hunted to extinction.

Many people protested against this new leader, why would they follow the rule of a person they had never actually seen in person? Let alone know the name of. The group rallied outside of the rulers mansion, they stayed there for almost a week until something unexpected happened.

It was the middle of the night when it happened. The doors leading out to the big terris that over saw the city of the walker opened,a spot light shining on a figure walking out onto the terris and over to the railing was a fair skinned, dirty blond haired man, with dead brown eyes.

"My dear citizens." His voice boomed over a speaker system.

The crowd grew quiet as they watched the man speak.

"I have heard your protests. I see your reasons for being so upset, I would be upset too if I couldn't understand why something was happening. But I assure you what I'm doing is for the greater good, When I'm done reshaping this world there will be no trace of our once imperfect world. This new world will last for entirety. " The ruler explained in persuasive tone.

"Why would we listen to you!? The world was fine before you ruined everything!! We don't even know who you are! " A man in the crowd bellows, the crowd roared in agreement.

"Me?" He chuckled slightly as he watched the crowd begin to settle down.

"I am William the Treacherous, my fine civilians. I am the God of this new world." William said smugly, a smile spreading on his thin lips.

The crowd roared in protest, shouting their dissatisfaction and hate to him.

His smile turned into a frown, his eyebrows furrowing a dark light in his eyes. He makes a hand gesture and suddenly people began to get shot down. Screams erupted from the group of protesters as they began running for they're lives.

None survived.

The next morning a mass announcement went out to every layer which was delivered by William's special forces, or better know as the WSF. Their message went as follows.

"The tratiors of last nights protest have been delt with efficiently. We have come to address the population about one of our many rules, any person suspected of treasonous behavior will be executed. So please, if anyone you know is showing signs of being a tratior, report them and receive your due reward."

After the mass killing of tratiors no other protests have been performed.

Well, no public ones that is.

Many people disagree with the new ruler William, so they have created gangs to keep themselves safe and to fight against the WSF.

Some have even tried to fight William himself, but none have succeeded.

But a decade later, The leader of the most feared gang, The Forsaken, has decided to rise up to the challenge.

War On WillyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang