Epilogue: Act 1

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It's been a few months since the people of the Walker became the independent nation of Forstakia, a rather weird name I think. Hawkins thought it was cool, but I think it's a bit on the nose. We've gotten used to this new city, and I feel like we're closer than ever. The greenery has spread so far in the desert, and it's not as scorching hot as it was before. Brandon erected this faint tower in the middle of the city, and it's like a huge tower with pipes on the sides. Point is it sprays ice or something like that into the air, and it's slowly changing the desert climate. Honestly I didn't like the idea but it's helped us in the end, and there's been peace city wide peace forever. I feel like nothing can go wrong, and I know me saying that might make something go wrong. I haven't felt lonely in ages, and I can finally say I'm happy. When the day I die eventually comes, let these writings serve as an obituary.


13/6/01 3:23

"Dan! Are you done in there? Something's going on out here!"

Dan finished her entry, and heard commotion outside. Dan quickly bursted out, she met her family looking out the penthouses window. A giant purple and red light was radiating a couple miles away, Dan knew from before that's where the Monolith was. Dan doubted what she thought was happening, but she didn't have time to speak. Their door was broken down, and Mayonaka stood at its doorway. He had a different weapon this time, a huge scythe dug into the ground. Vee already had his weapon, Hawkins tossed Dan a collapsible spear and they prepared for battle. A massive rumble was heard, and the building shook.


The Behemoth rose, it shook off the sand from its body and had a few trees growing here and there. The machine stood there, and started to repair itself. The entire gang was terrified, what was happening?! Their questions were answered when Asmodeus appeared in front of them. But it was worse than they thought, he was with Willy. The man who had been dead for months and months was standing in front of them. 

"Uhm.. those are mine."

Willy took back his arm armor, and laughed. He and Asmodeus did a little secret handshake and laughed together.

"Did you really think you could get rid of me?! I am more powerful than you could ever imagine!! My bro Modee here did a little dark magic and boom! I'm back to torment you again, brat. I've even got a new pet, uh.. mayo.. or something. I don't  know his name they all have such strange names. Anyway! Point is... Die. Naka, Feast."

Mayonaka seemingly teleported forward, and Dan took that scythes blade straight into her stomach. She didn't even have time to react before she was kicked backward and out the window behind them, she screamed falling down to the ground below. She blacked out on impact, she could only imagine the fate of her family.

Act 2

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