Chapter 16: Mokuteki

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Dan would wake up slowly, yawning and scrunching her face up before opening her eyes, jumping as she saw Carter was standing by her bed watching her sleep.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" She'd yell swatting at him as he stepped away.

"The group told me to stay back and watch you while they went out to get some more stuff." He replied.

"They left me again?" Dan would grumble crossing her arms, "could've just woken me up. It's not that hard."

Carter shrugged and turned his back to her as he walked over to the coaching sitting down and crossing his arms.

Dan would lay back in bed for a little while before getting up taking some clothes and walking to the restroom.

"Why does the top drawer say not to open it?"

"Open it and find out." Dan would say before closing the bathroom door behind her. She giggled to herself and he let out a scream and heard it slam shut,she really wondered what was so shocking about underwear and bras.

When the group came back with the supplies they found Carter in the corner staring at the dresser with wide eyes.

"You opened the top drawer didn't you?" Hawkins asked, chuckling as Carter nodded.

"SHE TOLD ME TO OPEN IT!" He shouted pointing at Dan who was holding in laughter.

"What, he asked why it said not to open it, so I told him to find out. And he did. "

"Don't worry buddy, I've made the same mistake." Vee said to the traumatized looking red head.

"I honestly don't know what's so scary about girls underwear." Jaxton would say with a shrug.

"Well it just feels wrong to see it." Hawkins replied.

"I've seen it more times than I can count."

The room went silent for a second as the guys stared at Jaxton.

"What? I used to do her laundry, hell, sometimes she would just walk around in it when her clothes were drying."

"HUH!?" the boys would gasp looking at Jaxton then to Dan who blushed in embarrassment

"Let's get off the topic of... that.."

Brandon cleared his throat, and thought of something else to talk about. There was an infinite number of things to speak of but Brandon couldn't find any, he gave up and sighed taking a seat. Hawkins and Jaxton also sat down, the room was quiet. Vee would stay standing next to Carter, he looked down at the small guy next to him, most importantly his long tail that was swooshing around. Carter wanted to touch it, the guys saw his hand start to reach for it. Hawkins shook his head, while Dan and Brandon nodded their heads.

"What are you guys staring at me for?"

Vee was confused, he didn't know Carter's intentions. He scratched the back of his neck before... he felt something. A hand right In the middle of his long tail, he hasn't warned anyone that his tail didn't make him purr like his ears. His face lit up red and he closed his eyes, letting out a moan. The room went silent, Carter quickly taking his hand away as everyone stared wide eyed. Vee put his hands over his face, absolute embarrassment as he ran out of the room. Carter looked to everyone.

"Uhm... my bad I guess.."

"Cute..." Dan laughed, his reaction was adorable. Brandon and Hawkins looked at each other, smiling and chuckling. Carter felt bad, so he sat with a bit of guilt.

"I hope he won't hold that over me, he's probably hiding." 

"I'll look for him in a bit..." Dan chuckled, looking at everyone. "But for now, we should start getting ready. Brandon can teleport us straight to William, we just need our weapons and everyone."

Brandon nodded, standing up. "Then I'll go and get ready, I suggest you all do the same."

Hawkins, Brandon and Carter all left to get ready for the battle, Jaxton still with Dan.

"Looks like your plan has became a reality."

"Yeah, it feels good."

"Good, it feels good to feel... good, or something."

Dan would trail off as she turned away "I'm gonna go look for Vee." She would say as she walked away toward her door.

"Mk." Hawkins would nod as he began to change.

Dan would quickly find Vee hiding under a table in the storage room

"Hey there, come on we're gonna get ready to fight Willy." She said softly.

"I can't face them, too embarrassing." Vee said through his hands as he covered his face.

"Oh come on Vee, it wasn't your fault! You didn't know that Carter was going to touch your tail." She said comfortingly, "So let's go out there, you can hold my hand if you need to." She offered her hand out stretched toward him.

He looked at her slighty teary eyed.

"You'd be a really good mom." Vee sniffled as he crawled out from under the table, curling up in her lap.

Dan sat there shocked by his words, she slowly rubbed her thumb up and down his forehead, him purring as he calmed down. She couldn't imagine herself as a mother, she never even thought of having children. With that thought came the fear that she would end up harming her kids in some way; causing them to hate her as she hates her own mother.

"Let's go back, everyone should be about ready by now."


Vee held her fingers as they walked back into the room.

"We're back."

"Welcome back." Brandon would say not looking up from a book written in a language she assumed was latin.

Vee clung to her leg as he saw everyone, his face bright red from embarrassment, she leaned over slightly to rub his back.

"You look like a mom with her scared kid when you do that."

She looked at Hawkins with surprise, what was up with everyone calling her motherly?

"I agree, she's always given off protective mom vibes." Mitsuri chimed in.

"Yeah she does doesn't she." Brandon agreed.

"Mhm, maybe something about Vee triggered her motherly instincts." Carter added.

She shook her head. "I'm not anyones mom, I'm just comforting a friend."

"But there's a difference between friendly comforting and motherly comforting." Jaxton explained.

Vee let go of Dan's leg and stood in front of her.

"If I had to choose anyone to be my mom it would be her." He declared.

Dan grew red in the face, for some reason she felt frustrated.

"Listen I wouldn't be a good mom, please stop thinking I would be."

"Why do you say that?" The group asked looking at her with questioning eyes.

"I... I just wouldn't so please just don't assume that much." She grunted.


"Let's just go fight Willy, I assume you all are ready." Dan intrupted.

"Mhm, let's go."

Brandon would stand up, the group standing close to him as he began whispering something in latin, then with a flash of bright light the group was teleported.

They'd appear right in the middle of William's office, the whole group saw that... William was eating his dinner. He'd look over and nearly choke, standing up swiftly.

"Hey! That's cheating! You're not supposed to be here yet!"

"Well we are! And we don't intend to leave!!"

Brandon started to set up a barrier, the whole gang being put on defense until he was ready.

"Well, then I guess it's personal now."

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