Chapter 12: In the Light, that's My way.

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Dan was curled up in a tight ball on the floor, she'd shiver in her sleep her face tensed up, seeming to be having a unpleasant dream.

Hawkins noticed and scooted closer to her placing his blanket over her, laying his hand on her side. Her face seemed to relax a little as she slept.

"How's vee?" Hawkins would ask looking to the stressed wizard.

"His cuts are healing nicely, well the shallow ones." He let out a deep shaky breath, "I know we have to leave the walker today, but he will have a very difficult time walking. One of us must carry him."

"I will." Hawkins, Jaxton, and Carter offered.

"Well one of you can carry him, and one can carry Mitsuri. She's still pretty weak from not eating or drinking for so long." Brandon instructed the three nodding.

"She's only woken up twice over the span of 9 hours. Are you sure she's ok Brandon?" Jaxton asked watching his leader and close friend.

"Her wounds aren't something I can heal. My magic is only able to fix physical cuts. Not mental, the best we can do for her is show her that we don't resent her for what happened. I can only imagine how horrible she felt to have led us into the enemies arms." Brandon explained looking at her, she looked fragile as she slept so tightly curled.

But unknown to them she wasn't asleep anymore, she held her eyes closed as she listened to them talk, making sure to keep her breathing slow and steady.

"I know she isn't going to like it but I'm going to have to keep and closer eye on her than usual, the past few days have been so.. Interesting." Hawkins sighed his thumb rubbing gently along her side.

"She's going to do anything she can to stop you from doing that Hawkins." Jaxton's cool and level voice sounded. He was right, she felt horrible that she made Hawkins think she needed to be watched over, to be protected.

"Well I don't think there's anything she can do to stop me."

"You act as if you guys are dating. Are you?" Carter would suddenly ask, he sounded annoyed.

"What- no! I'm just looking out for my friend that's all." Hawkins replied quickly lifting his hand from her side.

Dan ended up actually falling asleep again only to be woken up by some one nudging her.

"Oi get up. We're leaving." Jaxton said backing away from her as she sat up with a grunt.

"Finally." She muttered getting up and stretching enjoying the satisfaction of her joints popping.

They all walked out the back way of the apartment, they were stealthy since they knew WSF would most definitely have heightened security.

Finally they found a place to climb down it seemed to be a ladder leading down the leg,its reason for being there unknown. Dan looked down hesitantly uncertainty churning in her stomach. This was when she realized she was terrified of heights.

"Scared?" Vee teased as he clung to Jaxton's back like a back pack.

"You wish." She teased back before looking over the edge again. Carter had already started his descent with Mitsuri, Brandon beginning to climb down. Same with Jaxton and Vee.

"If you're scared you can ways hold onto me as we climb down." Hawkins offered.

Dan looked to him and shook her head.  "It's fine, I can do it. "

He nodded and began to start his decent, Dan watched him then with a gulp began climbing down. Fear would pulse through her everytime her foot would barely slide over the next step causing her to retract her foot quickly to the step.

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