Chapter 13: Abyss of Desires

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It was the 3rd day of walking, Vee was awake but he hid in Brandon's backpack. Dan actually walked a bit closer to Hawkins, Carter and Jaxton kept chatting and chatting. Brandon started to get along with Mitsuri, talking about battle plans and the long walk ahead of them. Night was close, it seemed like Williams fortress was near; but it was still so far. 

"Don't we have like a map?"

"Ha! I wish! Maybe some day."

Dan walked in silence, she still hadn't spoken with Hawkins since the incident. She wanted to but didn't have the words to explain her feelings.

Hawkins would catch himself staring brunette girl, he wished he knew what was going on in her head, he noticed though, that she was walking closer to him than she had been previously. Even if she hadn't said a word to him.

"I don't know if I'm going crazy from the heat, or is that a oasis." Carter called as him and Jaxton stopped.

"I see it too." Jaxton would reply.

The whole group would pause briefly before dropping their stuff and running over to the water Vee jumping from the backpack as everyone dropped their stuff.

Dan bolted to the water, and flung herself into the water, it was deeper than she thought as she sunk under, the crisp coolness of it felt refreshing.

Hawkins was about to panic when she didn't come back up, but then her head bobbed to the surface. Dan's long hair in her face which she was struggling to get off.

"CANNON BALL!" Brandon yelled as he jumped in a huge splash covering Dan's face, water going up her nose. She coughed and glared at him playfully.

"I'm going to kill you!" She would yelled and lunge at him, pushing him under by his shoulders.

"ACK!" Brandon would gasp as him and Dan wrestled in the water.

Jaxton and Carter jumped into the water as well, Mitsuri hesitant to get in for a little, but when she saw Vee get in she followed soon she began to enjoy herself with the others.

Hawkins would laugh and join everyone in the water, it felt good against his burning skin.

"I WIN!" Dan would scream loudly as she stood in the shallower part of the water, Brandon looking as if he had given up.

"THERE IS NO OTHER GOD HERE BESIDES ME! AHAHAHAHHA!" She'd screech before Brandon tackled her by surprise sending her crashing into the water.

"The water seems to have lifted everyone's spirits." Hawkins would comment to Mitsuri who stayed in the shallow area.

"Mhm, it's nice seeing everyone in such good moods, especially Dan." She'd reply messing with the water.

Vee would then leap onto Brandon's back, pulling him under the water, Giving Dan the opportunity to get up.

"YES LET'S GET HIM DAN!" Vee would cheer as Brandon fought back against them.

Carter and Jaxton stopped chatting and watched the rough housing trio, giving each other a look before joining Brandon's side.

"YOU TRAITOR!" Dan would gasp as Jaxton pulled her off Brandon and sparred with her.

"You should join them." Mitsuri said looking up at Hawkins.

"Alright, I will." He replied with a smile as he rushed over to the fight and jumped in joining Dan and Vee's side.

Dan would scream as she tackled Jaxton sending a big splash that hit mitsuri. She wasnt planning on getting all the way wet, but now it looked like she didn't have much of a choice.

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