Ever Distant Thunder

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This was surely impossible.

Y/n: "Y- You are Imperator Somnium? But... that can't be. You were destroyed!"

Imperator Somnium: "I remember. It hurt when I was torn apart. But... I found myself here after a while."

Y/n: "So you suffered the same fate as we did."

Imperator Somnium: "I believe it was my lord who saved me. He must have sent me through the immaterium so that I may be reborn."

Y/n: "Perhaps. But why would I then be sent?"

Imperator Somnium: "Our lord works in mysterious ways. How that may relate to the fact that he's kind of a dick is unknown to me. But perhaps... He saw promise in you."

The conversation between the two lasted for a few minutes longer before their signal started to distort. The last thing Imperator Somnium told Y/n was that she would arrive within three weeks.

Y/n: "Imperator Somnium... We will welcome you home."

Y/n smiled before getting up to stretch his legs for a bit.

As he walked through the base, he saw Imperial Flame speaking with the four he had asked to see. As such, he wandered over to them.

Y/n: "Flame."

Imperial Flame: "Lord High Admiral. Why are you out of your office?"

Y/n: "Need to stretch my legs. Besides, it's a rather nice day out."

Imperial Flame: "With that, I cannot disagree."

Laffey: "Admiral, you wanted to see us?"

Y/n: "Yes. Ayanami. Z23. I assume you have found your stay here to be different from what you expected?"

Z23: "... Everyone's weirdly nice to me."

Ayanami: "Yeah, it's strange."

Y/n: "They recognise that this was the decision of your leaders and you yourself are not to blame for your faction's position. In a sense, I feel the same. But to a far lesser extent. However that is neither here nor there."

The four looked to their new Admiral as he adjusted the Aquila on his blazer.

Y/n: "I want the four of you to be ambassadors for Azur Lane as an alliance."

Imperial Flame: "If that is the case, won't we need an imperial ambassador. And one from the dragon empery?"

Y/n: "I can act as the ambassador of the imperium since I'm the acting Lord High Admiral. As for the Dragon Empery. I'll talk to Ning Hai and Ping Hai and see if they can recommend anyone.

Imperial Flame: "Very well."

Y/n: "Also. I was able to contact our friend from before. The one who tried to reach out to us, but couldn't."

Imperial Flame: "You were!? Who is she?"

Y/n: "I won't spoil it, but know that she is more important than any of us know."

Imperial Flame nodded before Y/n headed to the dorms and up to his room.

Upon entering, he discarded his blazer and shirt. His skin shone in the sunlight coming through the window. However he closed the blinds. Something that was likely to piss off Belfast if she found out.

He unholstered his weapons before laying them gently on the floor. Following that, he sat cross-legged between the weapons and laid out a small, lidded metal dish.

He lifted the lid and flattened the powder within before holding a small plate with a pattern cut out of it over the flattened powder. He then filled the pattern with incense to be burned.

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