CHP 1: Sonoda Umi, The thief

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Centuries ago, war broke the peace treaty of all the races, blood, hatred, death, malice, and despair covered the place. After the great war, another threat stands in hopes way, fearing the worst, each and everyone of the races agreed to unite with each other to end the greatest despair waiting for them, the death of their world. Yet each and every one of the champions sent out were killed instantly. Is Hope forever gone? Or is it still burning faintly in someone's eyes?

" Oi!!! Get back here thief!!! "

Hazel eyes

White skin

And Ocean blue hair.

" Sonoda Umi!!! Get back here!!! "

" like I will old man! "

The name is Sonoda Umi, I'm pure human, yet I have a huge price on my head. Namely the " Sea Thief " 18 by age, proffesional thief, three sizes 76, 80 , 89, hobbies? Stealing shiny things of course~!

The imperial guards were waiting for Sonoda to fall directly into their trap. Yet as luck would have it the sea thief got the best of them.

" just a little more, and hit her! "

Loud explosions were heard everywhere, as umi was seen going inside the explosion.

" yes! We got her! " or so they thought

A burnt body was seen after the smoke calmed down.

" ha! Burnt her nice and easy! "

" woah~ did you think she'd be still alive? " said the bluenette looking beside them.

The soldiers were silent as Sonoda then giggles and sprints off, leaving them, lying down on the ground, as the gal managed to hit them with paralyzing needles.

I'm not really like this...but I need to survive, I'm on my own now after all, friends, family, companions? I don't have those. Trust only yourself, nothing more, relationships? Never lasts and will only bring you closer to your grave.

" hmm, that's 200,909,786 golds, jewels and jewelries overall, I think I could buy a mansion if I sell this babies....but...the way the sparkle on my eyes makes me avoid to sell them! " cried the blunette rolling around her stolen fortune. As she stops as stares blankly in the darkness.

" sigh, but why am I still....empty... I got all of these riches, yet..." She sat up and opened a locket she kept hidden inside her pouch. " hey mom, I wonder where you are right now... Bet you get mad when you see me now..." She let off a sad smile, her hands begins to tingle. " hmmm? Another precious shiny thing????!! " she stood on both feet and climbs her way out under a huge oak tree and closed the entrance with dirt pile.

her eyes were gleaming at the sight of the treasure that was stolen by wandering thieves.

Oh my diamonds....she can't supress to see the beautiful sight in front of her, she held on her small bow and aims at the thieves and bull's eye! she shoots her sleeping needles and waited for them to fall asleep. About an hour later, the camp was silent as the blunette then  professionally began to steal all of the bounty the thieves have.

After stealing almost all of the treasure, the bluenette carries the bags and was about to leave when she felt a strange feeling guiding her inside a tent, and what she found was something beyond compare.

That pure porcelain skin, strands of grayish brown hair, and huge angel wings.

" an angel...? Is she rare? " I thought to myself, as I felt a bullet gashed my skin, I reacted, and found out that, I was completely surrounded.

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