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"GET 'EM!"

I heard them shout at me... trying to hunt me down. I was running as far as my legs would go as I tried to escape my pursuers


The "Pillagers" were after me, trying to hunt me down and kill me for... sport? As if I were just some wild creature only trying to survive another night, rather than an intelligent being who actually wants to live and experience the world. An arrow zoomed past, narrowly missing my arm. If only I had something to defend myself with or fight back with, but my old stone sword just couldn't take on the whole raid.

"Faster, Ruthless! They're gettin' away"

I heard a pillager bark an order at the large beast he was riding on. A ravanger. It reared up and roared like a monstrously large horse before it began sprinting after me. I pressured myself to run faster to stay a better distance from the beast.

"Just a little closer..." the Pillager drew his crossbow. With a pounding heart and sore muscles, I tried to go as fast as I could, adrenaline flowing as fast as lighting as I forced my legs to keep going and not stop. Panting, I ignored my muscles crying for me to stop.

"Steady and..."

From the corner of my eye, I saw the pillager's crossbow pointed right at my center. I felt a jolt of fear go through me as I tried to get out of the arrows line of sight.

"Fire- ack"

The pillager stumbled and fired the arrow early. It pierced almost straight through my leg. I yelped and staggered as I tried to keep myself upright. I didn't notice the huge ravine straight ahead until too late. Rather than being met with the ground again, I felt nothing beneath me as I plummeted straight into the rushing river below.


I fought to keep my head above water, trying to ignore the surging pain coursing through my leg where the arrow struck. But I was still too tired from all the running. The water was turning scarlet from the bloody wound, and I could feel myself becoming weaker, my bones feeling like fragile twigs, and my muscles like thin string. As I struggled in the water, I noticed a looming, dark shape above me. Looking around to the best of my abilities, I noticed I had drifted through the entrance of a cave.

With my weakened state and bleeding leg, the zombies were sure to come after me, as I didn't think I could put up much of a fight. I could feel myself drifting in and out of consciousness as my head began to feel light and my vision began fading into darkness. It was a rather bad time to go out cold, as there was a huge rushing waterfall ahead. But I was much too weak to even think about trying to get somewhere so I could avoid going over. I hardly felt myself fall when it all faded to black, my last thought being that I was sure to die...

"Love is Blind" (A Minecraft Warden x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now