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(POV: Y/N)

I felt the numb aura of unconscious drift away from my body as I felt myself wake up. I coughed and sputtered, shivering from the cold. I felt almost as if I was rising from the dead, but the pain and soreness told me that I wasn't deceased. Not yet at least.

With what little light the nearby glow lichen provided, I fully opened my eyes and observed my surroundings. There was a lot of different kinds of stone everywhere around me. But the scene ahead was what really caught my eye. It didn't look like just a cave... there seemed to be strange structures ahead, worn away by time and in ruins.

Looking a bit more closely, it seemed that there was a strange darkness crawling up some of the walls of the cave, along with some of the structures. It had an appearance almost identical to faint stars in a nearly pitch black night sky. It took a little while until my confusion faded away and I was struck with realization and recognition of the strange area before me.

I was facing an ancient city.

I have heard countless stories and rumors about this strange place and its origins. Very few had ever seen it, and even less have made it out alive. I heard the rushing water from the underground river that brought me here splashing softly from behind me as I looked around in awe and fear. One thing I knew for certain was that this place was home to one of the most dangerous and most ruthless monsters of all time; the Warden.

I shuddered from the cold and the thought of being discovered and most likely killed by the beast. It was said it would spare no soul, regardless if it were to be a lost miner, monster, or wild animal. Only its own kind was safe from its deadly clutches. But that soon became the least of my worries when I heard the creaking of bones from just behind me. Jerking my head around, my heart jumped like a fox into snow as I spotted a skeleton just a few dozen steps behind me, bow drawn, arrow aimed at my center.

He wasn't alone either, as even more monsters began emerging from the shadows. Zombies groaning, skeletons creaking, creepers hissing, and spiders scuttling. All of their eyes were locked dead on me.
I screamed out loud in surprise and fear before abruptly cutting myself off, slapping a hand over my mouth. A blood-curdling, heart-stopping shriek echoed nearby, making my blood freeze. The throbbing of a heart followed soon after, making me ever more nervous. Even the monsters stopped approaching for a few seconds to scan the area for danger.
But they didn't hesitate to resume perusing me. I stood up carefully, trying my best to ignore the striking pain that shot through my leg as I stood up to the best of my abilities. I hurriedly began to limp away, trying to always move around to decrease the chance of being shot by a skeleton's arrow. It was bad enough one was stuck in my leg. I didn't need a matching one in my arm or through my heart.
I felt something scratch my shoulder and jumped at the pain. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a zombie right behind behind me, with rotten nails covered in crimson blood. My blood! I tried running but my injured leg stumbled and I tripped and fell, harshly landing on my rib cage. The sudden vibration from the impact cause another shriek to echo throughout the cave. The heartbeat came again, along with a strange clicking sound. I didn't have to be a genius to figure out that danger was coming.
I got up as fast as a could, enduring the pain from my old and new wounds and once again limped away from the angry monsters. I was so focused on getting as far away from the hostile creatures as possible, I didn't even notice that I had stepped onto something that wasn't any type of stone or dirt until it made a clicking sound. Of course, it was just my luck to step right onto what was a so-called "sculk sensor". A third shriek sounded, followed by more heartbeats and vibrant clicking. I already had a horde of monsters after me and no weapons. I most certainly didn't need the warden chasing after me too!
But I couldn't limp away from the beasts forever, especially when a dead end towered over me. When I saw the large wall looming in front of me, and the paths to my right and left closed off by two more, I knew it was over for me. The monsters were closing in, my options limited. Noticing a loose rock nearby, I picked it up and chucked in at the mob of monsters, hoping to discourage them. I didn't even care when a fourth and final shriek sounded off when the rock clattered to the ground. I just wanted to delay my death as much as I could.

"STAY BACK!" I shouted at the hostile beings. They were hardly phased by my voice and kept coming. I backed away as much as I could until I touched the wall. I proceeded to curl up, my arms over my head, trying to protect myself as much as I could. Spiders jumped at me and I kicked them away from me. This only angered them more as they continued to jump at me, biting my flesh. Suddenly, I heard the sound of the ground cracking. Peeking over my arm, I watched in terror and awe as something began emerging from the ground, its powerful arms hoisting itself out of the surrounding sculk, standing up to its full height. It was facing away from me, but I could see two strange antenna-like ears on either side of its head. It barely took a second for me to realize what has come out of the ground.

It was the warden!

"Love is Blind" (A Minecraft Warden x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now