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(POV: 3rd Person Omniscient)

Once the warden finally emerged from the depths of the sculk, he began observing his surroundings, listening for any sound or feeling for any vibration to find his target. Unfortunately for the other monsters, they continued to make noise and movements in order to catch Y/N, which was an irresistible goldmine for getting the attention of an alert warden.
Y/N tried to be as still as possible as to not alarm the warden that they were present, even when a little cave spider crept close enough to start biting their non-injured leg. Y/N strained to hold still, holding their breath. A shaky skeleton trying to aim his bow at Y/N's forehead was the first thing the warden noticed focused his attention on. Turning his head towards the sound of bones rattling, the Warden used his phenomenal sense of hearing and was able to locate the skeleton's position in no time flat. Growling, he used his large mitts to crush the skeletons head, killing it almost instantly.

Alerted by the gruesome sound of crushed bones, Y/N shifted their gaze to the now headless skeleton as it collapsed on itself before crumbling to dust. They shuddered at the sight, knowing all too well how easily that would happen to them if the warden found out they were there. The warden thankfully didn't notice any vibrations from Y/N's shuddering, but did notice the gang of zombies that brushed past him. The zombies seemed to pay no mind to the much deadlier creature as they tried to attack the injured Y/S.

The warden, angered by how the zombies brushed past him, roared and grabbed the gang leader by the throat. He then proceeded to throw the zombie at the other undead gang members. This caused them to turn on the warden, completely ignoring Y/N as they tried to attack the larger monster. But even in larger numbers, the zombies stood no chance and died to the warden's paws with barely a fight, their rib cages and heads crushed like dry leaves.
Some of the other monsters took the hint that they wouldn't be able to get past the warden to kill Y/N and fled, but the creepers and spiders weren't as smart. They still crawled towards the injured Y/S behind the warden, hoping to kill them for whatever reason motivated them. But-as one may have predicted- the two groups of creatures met the same fate as the others; heads crushed and bodies crumbling into dust.

Y/N was terrified as they saw the large monster demolish every last hostile, crushing the heads of creepers and smashing the bodies of spiders. And yet, despite how terrifying the scene in front of them was, Y/N couldn't help but feel a little bit of gratitude beneath all the fear. While they knew the warden wasn't actually trying to save them, they still felt grateful that most of the monsters were defeated by the warden before they could get close enough to hurt the Y/S. Yet they still felt pain more than thankfulness as a little cave spider hissed and tried to rip off a chunk out of Y/N's leg, causing the wound to start bleeding. The spider's squirming and screeching got the wardens attention, causing the beast to whip his head around, ears clicking. It barley took a blow from the warden's paw to crush the spider. The feeling of gratitude got stronger within Y/N as the feeling of a spider attacking their leg faded. After he had killed the spider, the warden sniffed the air for any other creatures, trying to pick up one's scent or find any scent of fear. However, he picked up a rather strange emotion... one he hasn't scented before.

Now the warden had smelled fear from countless beings, from hostile monsters to passive animals. And yet from one particular source of the familiar scent of fear, he could sense the emotion which, unknown to him, was a certain Y/S's gratitude.

Something about the emotion made him feel... calm? The warden turned around towards the direction the emotion was coming from, humming in confusion. But this only caused Y/N to get nervous, for they knew they had been found. The warden backed away after scenting more fear, not wanting the emotion to fade away. Yet this only caused Y/N to be confused.
The warden, slightly tilting his head, took a small step closer. He began to sniff the air, trying to scent any other emotions. He noticed a rather strong smell of pain. The warden was confused by this; he had never sensed a being in this much pain before, since most of his victims died rather quickly without having to suffer through pain for a long time. The cave spider seemed to have inflicted a hefty amount of damage on Y/N's leg. The Y/S noticed that their other leg was bleeding quite badly from the spider attack. Their pant leg was ripped as well, with one part of them dangling just by a few threads, so they ripped the piece off and used it to soak up some of the blood and help stop the bleeding.

Despite the warden being renown as a monstrous killing machine, he couldn't help but feel sympathy towards the wounded Y/S. It whined and carefully crept closer. Y/N was shocked at first and tried to crawl away, almost dragging their legs behind them. They only made it a few steps away before they just... gave up.

"You know what, I don't even care anymore. Just kill me." Y/n said in anguish. The warden was taken aback by this. You weren't part of his domain nor were you from there. Like almost every other creature, you weren't exactly supposed to be there, yet he couldn't bring himself to kill you. Maybe it was because of the gratitude he sensed from you before, or he just felt bad for the pain you were in. Y/N just stayed curled up in a ball, waiting for their inevitable death... but it never came.

Y/N was soon hit by a wave of exhaustion, and could feel their eyelids getting heavy despite the cold. Maybe they were gonna die. Maybe they'd freeze to death. Maybe they'd perish if the warden had never decided to sit near them, guarding them from other monsters. Warmth radiated off him, preventing Y/N from getting hypothermia.

"Love is Blind" (A Minecraft Warden x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now