13th Group Chat: Any Plans?

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"Finally got the tickets!" Jade screamed as she checked their mail

"Tickets for?"Leigh-Anne asked

"Ed Sheeran's Concert!" Jade screamed

"Louis bought two tickets and used our address to prevent the lads from stealing it."Jesy explained

"So what are our plans for tonight?"Jade asked

"Got nothing yet."Jesy answered

"Me too." Leigh-Anne said


Jade: Got the tickets Babe. ;)

Louis: YEY!

Perrie: To where?

Jade: Ed Sheeran's Concert next week.

Jade: Hey any plans? Me and the girls are bored here.

Perrie: Shopping?

Jade: Count me in!

Jesy: Me too!

Leigh: Me too!

Niall: Can I come

Jade: NO

Jesy: NO

Leigh: NO

Louis: </3 shot down. I feel for Niall

Niall: Louis gets me. </3

Louis: Jade! I forgot to ask, I mailed something to you, have you gotten it already?

Jade: Nope. :( What is it?

Louis: A surprise. :)

Liam: He got you a new bow.

Louis: -___- WTH LIAM!

Liam: Sorry didn't see you're reply to Jade. My bad. -___-

Jade: YEY! What color is it?

Louis: Purple. Like Niall's hair.

Jade: <3

Niall: It's actually becoming gray now. -____ I look awful.

Jesy: Well it's your fault.

Zayn: Why not have it colored blonde again Niall?

Niall: I have to let the color fade a little bit more.

Louis: He's been scrubbing his hair like crazy though

Harry: Been wearing a lot of beanies when going out.


Niall: -____- I'm gald I can humor you Jesy.

Liam: Even wear Harry's hat sometimes.

Niall: WTH Liam! Harry doesn't know that!

Harry: That's why I've been missing two of my hats!!! NIALL!!!

Liam: Sorry Niall. -___-

Zayn: You've been dropping bombs Liam. What's wrong?

Liam: Sophia and I had an argument. -____-

Leigh: About?

Liam: What shoes I should wear...

Jade: WTF!


Perrie: srsly?

Liam: Well, I started it and she just got pissed

Zayn: Call her.

Liam: I tried but she won't pick up. :(

Niall: Call her again!

Harry: Girls! I know what we should all do instead!

Leigh: What?

Harry: Sing to Sophia! You girls record a video singing and we'll record a video too and then we'll send it to Sophia. :)

Zayn: Better get to your apartment then.

Perrie: We're on our way!

Jade: Sounds good!

Louis: It's settled then.

Jesy: Plan to make Sophia forgive Liam is a go!!!

Niall: Am I included?

Harry: Yes Niall you are included?

Niall: YEY!

|| This chapter is dedicated to: 8_brits_and_1_Irish thanks for the comments!

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