40th Chat: Interview Shenanigans

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It was another day full of interviews and pres for the tour and Perrie was not having it.


Jade: Okay these interviews are getting on my nerves.

Niall: want to distract them from Perrie?

Leigh: what's on your mind??

Jesy: oh god no. Niall please no.

Niall: I was thinking about shifting the interview towards Harry's fascination with pastries. But if you insist I talk about us


Louis: Let's just try to shift the conversation to the dynamic on the tour how we've grown to know each other?

Harry: Sounds like a plan.

Liam: I agree with Lou

Niall: you guus sure??

Jesy: Shut it Niall

Niall: the offer still stands

Cher: we'll hold on that for now okay?

Jesy: Cher don't give him hope please

Niall: it's not a nooo. I still have a shot

Jade: anywhooo plan is set okay?

Leigh: Hopefully Perrie catches on she really has been ignoring the groupchat

Harry: Don't worry she will


The interview went according to the way they planned with Niall dropping little hints about him and Jesy which the interviewers found very endearing. This helped Perrie a lot, she was smiling throughout the interview and as they planned, she was somehow distracted by the dynamic and chaos that everyone brought to the interview.

"So to wrap everything up, what should we expect from this tour?" the interviewer asked

"A whole lot of crazy, and more" Perrie answered

And with that their interview was done, Perrie started to tear up and she hugged everyone. They were still at the set so the boys and the girls did their best to cover Perrie so no one could take photos of her crying. They shielded her and in that moment Perrie knew how lucky she was to have them by her side

She really was one lucky girl to have these friends stand by her and protect her as much as they can, she never realized how much they feel like home to her. She wasn't alone, she never was.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2021 ⏰

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