19th Group Chat: Hang-overs, Uncovered Sheets & Round 2

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"Fuck! I need an aspirin, my head is killing me." Jesy shouted
"Get you legs off me!" Leigh-Anne squirmed as she pushed Jesy's leg
"Guys! you are not gonna believe what I saw!"  Perrie screamed
"Can you be quiet!" Harry screamed making Jesy and Leigh-Anne scream
"What?" Harry asked and ten he looked at himself, he was half naked beside Leigh-Anne who was also half naked and Jesy sleeping on top of them.
"EWW!" Jesy screamed as she rushed to the bathroom


Niall: Stop screaming in the other room geez!

Zayn: Perrie be quiet!

Perrie: I guess two got nasty last night.

Zayn: You mean besides Lou and Jade?


Jade: NOTHING HAPPENED! We didn't go that faaaar!

Jesy: You little minx!!!!

Louis: Honest! We couldn't do it with Perrie, Zayn and Niall here. We'd wake them up with our noises ;)

Jade: You know it ;)

Perrie: They've done it waaaay before today I can see it.

Niall: Like you and Zayn don't do the deed?

Zayn: Shut it! So if Niall was in our room it couldn't have been him and Jesy therefore it was Harry and Leigh-Anne!

Jade: No shit Sherlock!

Louis: Jade, language.

Perrie: What have you done to our pure Jadey??

Louis: Rubbed off some attitude. ;)

Harry: Guys will you stop chatting this is serious! Leigh-Anne is crying!

Jesy: Harry you ass she's just taking a bath! And you what have you done?!

Harry: I can't remember I have a bad hang over...

Louis: We all do.

Niall: Speak for yourselves, I could use another whiskey.

Zayn: Oh so Irish of you Niall.

Niall: What's that supposed to mean?

Louis: That you drink a lot cause you're Irish.

Niall: Ohhh okay. Who's up for a whiskey? Or a pint? I'm thirsty.

Harry: Count me out

Zayn: Nope

Perrie: Nope, what I need is water.

Leigh: Nothing happened guys, Jesy was on top of us snoring like a grandad! At least that's what I think...

Jesy: I wasn't snoring!

Niall: That was me. hahaha

Jade: Yup, that's how loud he snores :(

Louis: You're lucky Niall we didn't throw you at the balcony.

Niall: You all love me!

Harry: Leigh-Anne let's go on a walk. We'll talk, brb guys.

Leigh: Brb

Jade: Shit goy serious with those two.

Jesy: No kidding.

Niall: Pint! Anyone?

Jade: I could go for a pint.

Louis: I'll go also if its your treat Niall.

Niall: Fine :(

Jesy: Hey buy aspirin and water!

Perrie: And a cheeseburger!

Jade: Will do :)


"Harry what are we?" Leigh-Anne asked as they walked
"What do you want us to be?" Harry asked back
With that Leigh-Anne placed her hands on Harry's cheek and kissed him.
"Oh my!" Jade whispered as they accidentally saw Harry and Leigh-Anne
"I guess sometimes alcohol does you good." Niall said

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