22th Group Chat: Mouse and Bear video blog Part 2

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"Time!" Liam screamed after about 30mins and the guys raised their hands

"Okay moment of truth, look at the finished product guys." Liam said as he handed the girls mirrors.

"OMG!" Perrie squealed

"The hell!!!" Jesy screamed as she looked at Niall

"Don't kill me please." Niall said as he hid behind Zayn

"Uhm, okay." Jade said calmly as she looked at her face

"My eyebrows look so dark." Leigh-Anne said as she laughed

"Okay time to take pictures and post it on out twitter to see who wins" Liam said


*on Twitter*

Little Mix: Hey Mixers! We need your votes! Please like the photo of the make up you think looks best.

Little Mix: *photo of Perrie pouting* by Zayn

Little Mix: *photo of Jade smiling like a weirdo* by Louis

Little Mix: *photo of  Jesy looking pissed* by Niall

Little Mix: *photo of Leigh-Anne looking fierce* by Harry

Little Mix: Cast your votes!! :)


Liam: Girls what time is the cut off for the votes?

Jade: 24 hours.

Liam: Okay thanks.


After 24 hours

*on Twitter*

Liam: The Winner is!!!!

Liam: *drum roll*

Liam: Harry and Leigh-Anne


*on Youtube*

"Hey  viewers, you saw the previous video and as promised the winner is Harry and Leigh-Anne. And here they are." Jade said

"Hi guys! We got Disneyland tickets!!" Harry said

"So our dare for Jade and Louis is to exchange phones for a week" Leigh-Anne stated

"So our next video will be a montage of that challenge. Enjoy and thanks for watching." Louis said

"Like and subscribe please." Jade adds


"Here you go Jade." Louis said as he hands his phone

"Here's mine." Jade responds as she hands her phone

"This is going to be fun." Jade adds

Note: Guys!!! Sorry for the short chapter! Been busy and I can't seem to think of a funny topic right now so please bear with this lame update for awhile. I'll make the next chapter better promise!!

xoxo Victoria

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