21th Group Chat: Mouse and Bear vidoe blog Part 1

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"Jade are you ready?" Louis screamed

"Almost! Wait are we recording?" Jade asked as she fixed the strap of her tank top.

"Only when you're ready now come on!" Louis said as Jade fixed her hair and sat beside him

"Okay we're recording" Louis said as he pressed the record button on his video camera

"Hello youtube fanatics! Its Jade and Louis, and this is our first ever vlog entitled 'Calm your tits Judith!'" Jade joked making Louis mortified

"Jade that's not the name" Louis whispered

"Kidding. Our video blog is entitled 'Come smell Louis' Nectar" Jade said with a fit of giggles

"Our vlog is entitled Couple of Mouse & Bear" Louis calmly said as Jade continued to laugh

"Its a play on our little nicknames LouBear and JadeyMouse" Louis explained

"And no our video entries will not be about Mice and Bears. Its going to be miscellaneous depending on what we feel like doing but we would take requests." Jade added

"Now our first video blog will be a Challenge. Its Boyfriend does Girlfriends make up tournament!" Louis said

"Yes tournament because we've invited our friends Perrie, Zayn, Jesy, Niall, Harry and Leigh-Anne and these 4 guys will do our makes up with Liam and you guys will be the judge of who wins." Jade said as the girls and guys entered.

"Jade will explain the rules." Louis said

"Game rules, we will only use basic make ups on this list Foundation, Concealer, Blush, Brow Pencil or Powder, Eye shadow, lipstick, eye liner and mascara. Nothing else And yes we will only buy it at a grocery store. And we will all come back here for the guys to do the makes ups, no cheating. We want a clean fight." Jade said before handing them a each cash.

"And cut." Louis said as he stopped recording.

"Guys record your selves buying okay? We're off just chat us when you're done and we will all meet back here at the guys' place." Jade said and they all nodded

Louis and Jade had this plan of making a vlog for awhile now but only on their spare time and since they saw an opportunity to get more hits with One Direction and Little Mix on the title they decided to include the lads and the girls. It was also a fun way to hang out they thought.


Jesy: Remind me again why we agreed to these 2?

Perrie: Because I always wanted to try that Boyfriend does girlfriend's make up challenge :)

Jesy: You seriously trust Zayn with your face?

Perrie: Yes I do.

Niall: Don't you trust me?

Jesy: Uhm...

Harry: Clearly a no.

Zayn: What's the price Jade?

Jade: Disneyland tickets! And you'll be feautred in our vlog next episode we'll do a dare you guys will come up with nothing sexual tho!

Harry: Oh I need to win this! I want Jade and Louis to wear disguises for a week!!!

Niall: I'll make them buy clothes for each other and style each other and they'll wear only that for a week!!!

Zayn: Why not just have the, dye their hair bright pink. That's what I'll ask them to do.

Liam: Ugh! Just come back already!!! I feel so alone
Harry: Wait what of you guys win? Jade?

Jade: We'll Challenge each other on what Niall said actually of we won but I doubt we'll win. We are still losers in the end no worries.

Louis: Aww trust me Jade I'll win!

Niall: *posts a video of the, buying in the drug store*

Jesy: Niall bought a moisturizer!! He's spending all the money!!!

Perrie: *posts a picture of Zayn picking a lipstick*

Perrie: *posts a picture of swatches of lipstick in her arms*

Perrie: My fiancé knows what he's doing!

Harry: Ughhh!! Zayn stop being a know it all

Leigh: *posts a picture of Harry looking as concealers*

Leigh: Send help! This lad doesn't know what he's doing!!!

Harry: Stop chatting we need to win. Give me your arm woman!

Jade: *posts a picture of Louis holding a basket with their make up*

Jade: Almost done!

Liam: Get here already! :( And buy pizza on the way.

Louis: Will do.


Louis handed Liam the pizza box as they arrived being followed by the others after a few minutes. Jade fixed their make up tables and the camera's for each team before callingg them to go over to her.

"Ready?" Jade asked

The girls sat at the chairs and the boys nodded

"Press record on your cameras and let's begin!" Jade said and they did as they were told.

Liam sighed, this was going to be a long day he thought.

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