TW plus chtpr1

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(This fic almost has every trigger in it so be careful when reading it)


Everyday, everyone was the same. Everyday was filled with the same events and because of this some people were depressed but arent able to act on it. The rules are set so everyone is just as perfect and emotionless/unable to feel any emotional pain as each other. It was a terrible decision to set all of these rules up but they serve their propose in this game. This world everyone lives in wasnt real, just a game. A simulation. No one thinks outside the box because it is thick. No one even had emotions yet they think they do and think they are depressed. All they truly knew was fake emotions, fake happiness, fake everything. Their life's were modified in such a way that nothing changed.
The games rules are simple; don't ever tell a lie or you'll meet your death. And dont ever be actually rude.
The game was an actual game also..
It was just
Nothing was real
Nothing will ever be real.
There was a stroy of this game also but its generated by decisions..
Its oddly like real life
A bit too close to it.
Everyone thought of themselves as who they thought they were.
Everyone started losing their sense of humanity because of it.
This stroy begins in one of the main character's house. Rin kagamine's house.

Rin was a girl was blonde hair and blue eyes. She was shorter then her neighbor, len kagamine. She was a rude but she didnt dare to break the rules. Everyday the mayor announces them;

"Remember: all citizens must obey the rules or punishment will start. We dont want what happened to Dal happen to anyone else, so please follow the rules"

The announcer said every morning
Everyone woke up at the same time but got ready for their day on their own time.

Tuesday, 2466, sep 26:

Rin woke up one day and then started getting ready for her school she went to. Putting her white bow one along with her black sleeveless dress that faded to white, she looked into a mirror.
Perfect hair style so perfect to go to school.
She looked very pretty for her age
-(The code did her justice.)-
She then started going to school, having little to go desire to eat but had to be *alive*

i cant keep serects*wip*(short; 20 Chapter Story)Where stories live. Discover now