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School was the same
The same lessons
The same score's
Only thing thats different was the talks.
Even talks had some reused conversations.
Rin made up with one of her friends and had a reused conversation.
Another rule is you can't complain about the cycle.
You have to repeat the cycle if it happens.
'Hello, miku'
'How are you?'
'Fine and how are you?'
Rin didnt answer miku
Instead just walked away from her.
All of the people are unable to kill themselves if they are depressed or tired
They dont have the code to think of doing that
Though they do have the code to kill others.

(Now this story will be in the POV of hatsune miku):


I grabbed my backpack and started getting ready for class to start. By this time i already knew everything i was going to get for grades for today: %40, %15,
I dont feel like saying the rest.
Class soon started and I began working. Felt like a machine but it's the way my life is.
'Hey, miku.' A boy said to me. I looked other at him, his name was kagamine Len. He's nice.
'How do you know my name?' I asked him. 'Come on, this is getting a bit old.. Is it?' He asked. My eyes widened in fear. He started to glitch. God damnit. He's was good friend I make this day later. I became frozen. He glitched out of reality.
He is dead.
Unable to say anything about his death. He was so dumb that he accidentally broke one rule without knowing.
I am left feeling more sick. Twisted up. Inhuman. But thats alright, i'm used to it.
I became able to move again only to start to cry inside. I cant show any sadness wards a death outside.
I then continued my day the same besides that point.
I met up with my friend eleanor at lunch.
'Hi elean' I waved at her.
'Hey' eleanor said.
I had pizza for lunch.
My least favorite food.
'So how are you?' I asked
'Great and you?' Eleanor asked
Another conversation we already had..
God i know eleanor isn't doing ok, dont remind me.
'Are you sure?' I asked
'I feel my chest feeling in on filling.' She said. 'I have anxiety going on.' She added
'I hope you get better soon.' I said to her.
Her white hair began to losen from her braids that she had on.
School lunch then ended and me and eleanor went out on ways to our next class and next and next and next...
After school i headed home and revisited the same events there.

(Stroy switch to rin's POV):


I went home and went to my room and went to bed.

i cant keep serects*wip*(short; 20 Chapter Story)Where stories live. Discover now