Chtpr5 "...."

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(This chapter gets dark fast)


The teacher read my answer to the class and surprise, surprise. I was correct.

"Your answer is correct. Congratulations, you have a brain."

The teacher said

I do have a brain.

After school, I started walking home.

My friend eleanor walked with me to my house.
'If you need anything, message me' she said
I nobbed. I then went my saperate way then her.
Days went by
And then I heard that announcement again.

"We will be turning off your life in less than 5 days." I heard.

What do they even mean
This is the only life I know.
10 days then passed...

The 11 day i woke up to go to school

(Switch to no pov)

Miku looked around and was starting to feel terrified by what she was seeing. All of what she started to only know about herself started being dissolved to save data. She wasn't in the simulation anymore. She knew these people that she was seeing and was heart broken, wondering what monster would do this. She couldnt get up because of how torn and taped to the scene she was.

One by one..

Her memories from the sim started coming back to her but not her old identity. She started feeling more tapped onto the seemlessly nonending view. What she saw was her brother dead with a knife stabbed into his skull. her sister with a knife in her chest and finally
Her pricelessly adorable sister ripped into halfs.

'I was thinking i was her so i wouldnt get... This doesnt make sense' the girl who thought she was miku said in despair. She lifted her arms and covered her eyes with her hands and started sobbing. She was in one of those high tech sim rooms that had the doors locked.
She was on her knees.
Her adorable sister was the one she used to admire, deeply. But now that shine of light was torn a part into a almost unrecognizable mess. The only thing that was recognizable were her shoes. 'Who did this and why?' The girl pleaded in pain and anger. Those feelings were the only one she could feel now which made her start to shake. Her name was mizo. Now mizo had to deal with the level of dread she was feeling. She got up with her legs beginning to shake. Its been so long since she moved that her real body now was weak. Not even after one minute did she fall over. After one second of being up, she fell. Did she forget how to carry her balance irl? Yes she did.. Well it seemed that way. She then got and hugged her knees. She fell hard. 'Riri...' She mumbled as she looked at her fallen light that is now civered in blood and not recognizable to a new pair of eyes.
She then remembered something
'That fucking bitch..' She mumbled to herself as flashbacks of when she was a new leaf that wasn't falling yet.

The flashback was a guy and a couple of friends, including mizo, playing a game of chess. The guy was smart. He knew what he was going to do.
"My dad works for a gaming company and made a new thing for full VR, want to check it out? I know how to set it up, he showed me"
The guy said.
He holds a grudge too properly. Never letted go of that rose that hurt him and never will as it dugged into his hand to get stuck. It hurts more to let go of something stabbed into your mind then one trying to get stuck.
He doesnt know how to let go and surprise...
The glued on rose drove him crazy.

Mizo got up again and went to her brother. 'Luke...' She said to him
No response.
Nothing at all.

i cant keep serects*wip*(short; 20 Chapter Story)Where stories live. Discover now