chtpr4 "worthless bitch"

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Rins been avoiding me more and it's not the code. Actually, I need to ask her that.
One morning i went to rin but automatically went away from her since a event happened.
The next day at lunch I went to her.
'Hey rin' I said to her. 'Hi' rin said
And another event happened
After a month events settled.
'Rin... Why were you been quiet?' I asked
'I dont like you' rin said
My started started to twitch but i tried to remain calm. 'you don't mean that, do you?' I asked
'I do.' Rin said
She didnt glitch...
She's honest.
But there code is a bit funky... She's rude right now but also honest.
'Since when?' I asked
'The time i said I liked you.' She answered
'You lied. That's one rule broken.. You piece of shit. Are you fucking stupid?' I asked
I started feeling off.
I couldnt hold it in, i was going to die anyway because i accidentally was rude.
I pinned rin to the ground. 'I have lost so much and i dont need to lose you now. Why did you lie? Only to trick me into thinking i held a friend?' I asked.. The glitching of me became more noticable. 'I didnt... I wanted to experiment and it succeeded' she said.
'You worthless bitch' i said
The glitching started to glitch rin instead of me.
I lost my ability to speak.
Rin then glitched out of existence.
I looked at the ground and my eyes widened.
I got up and my words stinged me.
Was the last memory rin had was me calling her worthless because I was pissed off?
I refuse to believe that she's dead.
I cant believe it, i just can't.
My mouth was gone
I wonder how that would effect the plot..
If it would at all..

I then heard an announcement.

"We d-d--udtod ggpdup gcu gcigc hif fhi -hc h-h-h-"

A bunch of glitch noises but i understand..
I completely understand.

After lunch, I had class.
Had to write my answers out and handed them to the teacher

i cant keep serects*wip*(short; 20 Chapter Story)Where stories live. Discover now