Chapter 19: Etiam

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“As your high and mighty ruler,” she paused, taking in the moment. “It’ll be my honour to execute these disgusting criminals. May the blood they spill enrich the new dawn of our kingdom!”

She smiled, looking all proud. While the crowd roared before her.

“Tap into your rage!” the voice whispered from behind me. “It’s your only way!”

“Let’s begin with the criminal in charge of mismanaging the kingdom to ruins,” the Princess pointed her sword at me. “The person whom I cared for and treated as family! My Cohort,” Her voice was faltering, trying to appear sad. She wiped an invisible tear off her cheek. “The snake who’s infiltrated our place, Belladonna!”

Two executioners grabbed me and placed my head on a stone platform. I tried resisting, but they were too strong. They already bound me by the hands, making me incapable of movement.

This is it. Tears were falling down my cheeks. I can’t believe everything I worked hard for would end at this moment. All I wanted was to be loved, now I get to be remembered as the villain.

“Use your power! Tap into your rage!” the voice was screaming at me.

“I’m sorry, I cannot. I’m not evil,” I surrendered.

I watched as the Princess struggled to lift the axe, still pretentious as ever. It took a while before she was able to raise it high. I closed my eyes as the sunlight reflecting off of it made me close my eyes. This is it.


Something busted from behind me. When I opened my eyes I saw the Princess tumble over, as something had hit her.

I looked behind me. Khaleb!

He carried a bloody axe and started hitting on the knights.

He knocked down all three of them. He then proceeded to free us all.

He managed to kick any crystal laced weapon away from the stage, and cut our chains off. The team was still doing their best to stand up, they were still too weak from all the crystals. The sound of heavy footsteps and metal were echoing down from inside the castle. We didn’t even have to think to know what those are.

“Let’s pass through the crowds!” I screamed. We had no choice. The people seemed harmless compared to the knights. Maybe after all the good things we did, maybe they’ll think twice before hitting us.

I was wrong. The moment we stepped on the crowd, they started throwing stones at us. Darius shielded me, while Seth and Clara shielded Khaleb and Jeck. They were still weakened due to all the crystals used on them, still far from being impenetrable. They groaned in pain as with every stone hurled at them. I could see Khaleb trying to fend them with what he has, I also tried using my powers on them, but they were simply too many.

I could hear heavy footsteps from all directions. The knights were all around us. “Please go faster!” I screamed. But it was too late, a knight appeared in front of us with a gem enriched weapon. Darius mistakenly tried to push him away, burning his hand in the process. He instinctively backed away.

Then another one appeared beside me, we backed away from them but they were appearing around us. It didn’t take long before we were surrounded by knights. All of them are circling around us.

A stone hit me in the head, knocking me down. The people were still throwing stones at us. Everything seemed to slow down. This must be what it’s like to die.

“Use your full potential! Tap into your rage! Use who you are!” the voice was still screaming.

As I was about to surrender, I looked around me to see my friends dying. Jeck and Khaleb were being protected by Seth and Clara, but it didn’t take long before they collapsed. Then Darius followed after.

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