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I can’t tell how much time had passed by, but judging from the overgrown vines and the bones strewn across the castle it probably has been a long time. Everything felt behind me. Everything felt like a lifetime behind me. I was not the same as who I was. But despite that, there’s still an aspect of my past I cannot leave behind.

I grabbed the green gem, hanging from my neck as a reminder. “I’m ready now,” I said to Elvira.

“Let’s begin,” she gestured at the castle entrance, as if commanding something to come. And something - or rather someone did.

From the darkness appeared the Princess- or at least something that reminds me of her looked nothing like she once did before. Her gown was just pieces of fabric hanging off her body. Her skin was all grey and full of scabs. She appeared bloated and bony at the same time. Her once glorious hair was now just a few strands hanging off her head. If it wasn’t for the bucket I wouldn’t have recognised her.

She was carrying the bucket as she walked like a wild animal towards us, hissing and barking. Revealing her toothless mouth. She was no longer herself, too far gone.

“Now use your power,” Elvira said to me.

“nunc intrare,”

We watched as the Princess tried to enter the bucket. It was too small for her. I doubted if she could make it, but the grip of my magic was too strong she could no longer resist.

At first she managed to put her head in the bucket and her hand in the bucket. I thought she would stop. But she didn't, she kept it going. We could hear her bones crack, as she contorted her body into impossible angles just to fit in the bucket. After some time she managed to fit herself completely in it, submerging deep within the black liquid.

“Now take her out,” said Elvira.

“Exite,” I said. Then a blob made of grey human skin jumped from the bucket. I could see fingernails, parts of the eyes, lips, feet on the blob.

Just like what she instructed beforehand, I gave the necklace to Elvira. She decompressed my friends. For the first time in a long time, I could finally see them again. She grabbed the blob and crushed it on top of them.

Most of the fluid landed on Jeck.
“Bella?” he said as he opened his eyes.

“Jeck!” I ran to hug him, but after a while he collapsed again, his body turned cold.

“Not yet,” Elvira said. “We need more sacrifice,”

I felt hope inside me. “Where?” I asked.

“I know a place,” replied Elvira. A sinister smile crept across her face.

Our maniacal laughter echoed throughout the halls. As we both celebrated our new found victory.

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