38. Curse & Conspiracy - II

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Blood paid off by the blood

Aman gone uncontrollable. He didn't care for the morals now. He wounded his Jaddūna as best as he could but he didn't flinch not even once.

There Kabir was fighting against the Isaaq who is giving tough time. Aman summoned his sword. Agha glinted at his act.

"Scared, ain't we Baadshah?" Aman didn't care for his words.

His sword landed in his hand and he had a firm grip.

"Kabir bhai" He threw his sword on his side.

"Do you know baadshah why I want to kill you?" Agha started his manipulation.

Aman didn't pay any attention to his words kept on stroking him.

For Agha it's his one and only chance to achieve his aim.
For Aman it's a responsibility to finish the evil for whom he lost his love.

"Let me tell you another tale, you know I'm your Jaddūna of several generations. But being the older never gave me my throne. Reason? I failed to get any Queen. These woman don't have the capability to rule! Neither in humans nor in Jinn. But none agreed with me and the thone was given to my brother. So, I decided to end the whole mishap.

But I need pawns right. Then your mother happened, she unknowingly paved the way for obliteration of our clan. But that Ayana ruined everything. She made you alive even after that deadly poison. But that poison revealed another truth.

The prophecy that I will be killed by the hands of my own blood. And you're the only person who is alive and shares my blood. So killing you finishes our clan as well as makes me immortal.

Now as your love is already dead." Aman stabbed on his shoulder for his words. "Easy there grandson, I promise, I won't give you any painful death. After and all what's more painful than witnessing the death of you love." He lead out a scowl and spilled blood.

Kabir was there fighting with Isaaq with Aman's sword. But Aman watched the Laal Chand melting. He signed Kabir who lead Isaaq in that way. Aman smirked when Isaaq stepped on the red hot liquid.

Isaaq growled in pain and Agha didn't care to save him. But to kill the time, Aman seemed to play with Isaaq.

Agha watched how familiar his grandson is, in torturing.

"There, there, baadshah leave the poor soul and care about yours." Agha threw the spear which Aman dodged with his sword.

It hit Isaaq and his soul was shattered with painful growls. Agha frowned as his last weapon to kill baadshah went in vain. Now it's going to be a hand to hand duel.


Rubina tried everything she knew to save Roshni but the blood flow didn't seem to cease.

Both the families were crying and some were in the second thoughts of not agreeing with Parveen.

"Rubina" Dadi looked at her with tears and Rubina too cried.

"I tried everything I could Ammi but I can't save her now. The spear was immersed in Laal Chand and there's no antidote for that." Rubina stated the tearful fact.

"Roshni, why all this happens with you." Salma cried out her lungs.

"It's the price of love, Salma. And their fate was written much before they born." Rubina's words failed to console the mother.

Everyone perhaps realises now why Parveen didn't want RoshAn together. At that time, they were blind to see her fear and now, they were late to acknowledge the fact.

Is this the end of their daughter? Salma thought miserably. The fate didn't go wrong. They knew from the beginning that Roshni had less time on this Earth, which is sadly not more than her parents.

Ahmed's were regretting for giving their daughter to the Khan's.

Khan's were guilty that they couldn't save their daughter to risked her life to save their son.


A circle of fire appeared on the wall when the shattered soul of Isaaq was pulled into it like a black hole.

Agha mourned for the death of his loyal slave. It's time to avenge his death and to achieve the aim.

He stood up with a firm grip on his sword. Aman too gripped his sword.

Both were engaged in a rough duel that they failed to notice that the fire circle didn't disappear.

Aman stabbed Agha on his shoulder blade while the latter injured his left leg most cruelly.

Both growled in pain yet didn't back up. Heavy breathing and the battle of swords is the only sound in the whole arena. Kabir was trying his best to close the fire circle.

Agha stabbed Aman with a vicious laugh. Aman fallen on his knees. Agha graciously picked the sword of Aman and aimed it at it's owner.

Kabir who was trying to close the fire, failed and the unexpected happened. A storm vanished the vision of every individual there. When a female silhouette appeared from the fire.

The rage and fierce in her eyes couldn't be mistaken. She with a raged temper walked towards the battlefield.

Aman and Agha were shocked to see the person.

"Ayana" Aman and Agha whispered with a surprise and shock in their faces, not trusting their own eyes.

But the person didn't seemed to acknowledge the tension in the field. She like a raging Bull slaughtered every thing, person that came in her way.

Eyes in blood red colour, filled with the thirst of venegnance. She closed her eyes. A spear with three powerful heads emerged in her hand. She aimed that at Agha. She's looking walking fire, eyes depicting fire.

Agha who now on the verge of winning pride was taken aback by this sudden attack. The three headed spear pierced into his body. Blood oozing out from every part, Roshni laughed in pride like a mad woman.

"It's now finished Jaddūna, I said I'll save my son from you. And see, I fulfilled my words." She growled while Kabir shocked to know that it's Parveen in Roshni's body.

Aman's happiness flew in the air with the truth but a part of him was happy that the evil is finished now.

"Parveen, I never thought that prophecy will come true with your hands. I never thought that my blood whom I underestimated will kill me." Saying this, Agha collapsed on the ground.

And the prophecy came true.

Blood had been paid off by the blood.


To be continued.

Meet you with the last chapter.

Hoping that you liked this.

••• VYAM ❤️

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