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Guess what song was playing while writing this lol. YEP. It's quiet Uptown From Hamilton.

"Something isn't right.."Perceptor Mumbled.

"What did you say?"Deadend said.

"Oh..Nothing."Perceptor Said.

You're lying,Deadend Thought.

"Oh. Ok then.."Deadend said.

After finding out Iacon was A Titan,The Great Titan Iaconus..Perceptor had been even more quiet lately.deadend didn't know what was wrong with him.could he still be upset about what happened between them? Or something else?

He was gonna find out.

But Perceptor got to it first

"Are you still happy that you joined the Decepticons...?"Perceptor said.

".....I.. dont know anymore...but I can turn back now.."Deadend said.

"Yes You can! Clobber is already considering switching after this is over.."Perceptor yelled.

"Well Clobber is Clobber. She never was acknowledged within the Decepticons. But I am,and I'm Not taking any chances."Deadend said.

"....yet you took the chance to break my heart..."Perceptor said.

"I knew how you would react if you found out,so i thought it was better to tell you..plus,you had already joined the autobots,we were falling apart anyway!"Deadend said.

"YOU KNEW HOW I WOULD REACT,YET YOU STILL JOINED!you are so selfish Deadend.."Perceptor Screamed

"Megatron Promised me something that the autobots could never!"Deadend Screamed.

"Did that Promise ever come to fruition?"Perceptor said.

".......No.."Deadend said.

"But..I Know what truly matters.."Perceptor said.

"What."Deadend said.

"If the war ever ends,I would want to be with you again...something I wish wasn't true.."Perceptor said.

I still love you Deadend,he whispered.

"I still love you too...I always regretted doing that to you."Deadend said.

"Awwwweee!"Clobber squealed

"Clobber,Shut Up!"Hot Rod Said.

"....we were totally not eavesdropping.."HotRod Said.

"You are just jealous you don't have anyone "Rodimus" "Deadend Mockingly said.

"HOT ROD. my name is HOT ROD."He said.

"Right.Our LeAdEr" Deadend said,still mocking him.

"I'm not jealous.im actually just Suprised you guys dated before the war."Hot Rod.

"Why?What's wrong about dating before the war?"Perceptor said.

"You guys just seem like two different kinds of people."Hot Rod Said.

"We Had our..Differences."Deadend said.

Time skip brought by Thunderhowl saying Liege Prime.

"They're fighting again.."Perceptor said.

"What did you expect? That Soundwave would just agree with him on everything?"Deadend said.

"Kinda reminds me of us."Perceptor said.

"We don't figh- Oh.Now I see what you mean."Deadend said

"Pft.You are still an Idiot."Perceptor Jokingly said.

"Maybe. But you're into it."Deadend said,Obviously Flirting.

"So what if I am?"Perceptor said,Tauntingly.

"I..let's just stop.."Deadend said,Turning Red.

"Hm.If you wish."Perceptor said.

"We Have no Differences!"Soundwave said.

"That's Gre-"Hot Rod Said

"Because I will lead us."Soundwave said.

"What?! You don't even know whats going on!"Hot Rod Yelled.

"I know you're no Optimus prime."Soundwave said.

AGHH..,he thought.

"If it wasn't for me,you'd still be gawking at that parade!"Hot Rod yelled

"Yes." Soundwave tightly crunched his hand."but you have outlived your usefulness."

Soundwave started to blast him,but became frozen.

"He's Been Malfunctioning since we found him."Deadend said.

"He seems to have been improperly Removed from the loop."Perceptor said,after scanning him.

Deadend "woke" him up.

"This is just like what happened to hound.."Hot Rod Said.

"The Autobot hound. What happened to him."Soundwave said,not like being compared to an Autobot.

"He didn't survive being ejected from the loop like you were."Perceptor said.

As much as I hate you right now Soundwave,I don't want the same thing that happened to hound to happen to you. We will destroy the Quintessons. HotRod Thought.

Ah another dramatic cliffhanger brought by yours truly.I swear there will be more Soundrody Stuff next chapter.

I hate you for what you did but I miss you like a little kidWhere stories live. Discover now