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Where is He ..?Jetfire Thought as he walked out to the Pier of The Argon Sea.

"Skybyte?Are you out-" Jetfire said, Before seeing where he was.

He was with Hammerbyte. AGAIN. he didn't know what made him feel this way towards Hammerbyte. He Wasn't jealous. At least that he knew. He just didn't like the idea that Skybyte And Hammerbyte had been hanging out a lot lately.

" I don't know if he would want to be friends again. Not After Everything that we've done to each other."Skybyte Said.

"Probably Not."Hammerbyte Said.

He hated this feeling he got when he saw Hammerbyte and Skybyte Together.

"Are you sure about that?"Jetfire Said.

"Yahh!" Skybyte Yelled in his typical took by surprise yell, falling into the argon sea as he did it.
"Hahaha!"Jetfire Laughed.

"Oh Haha Jetfire Very funny."Skybyte muttered.

"Anyway...Can I Talk to you? In private?"Jetfire Said.

"Oh. Sure."Skybyte Said.

"Gotta guard the Dweller Anyway."Hammerbyte Said.

Jetfire Helped Skybyte back onto the pier.

"So..What did you want to talk about?"Skybyte Said.

"Why did you keep that note?" Jetfire Said.

"Why did you lie about not knowing what it was?"Skybyte Said.

" didn't want you to think I'd keep to it."Jetfire Said.

"So..Are We Friends Agian.. or?"Skybyte said, voice trailing off.

"I'd rather Deactivate myself than lose you as a friend again."Jetfire said,Hugging Skybyte.

I hate you for what you did but I miss you like a little kidWhere stories live. Discover now