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Time skip to after the Quintesson arc,Early in the arc when they are looking for windblade.I want to introduce Thunderhowl lol

"Chromia are you sure that thing works?" Bumblebee said.

"Of course." She said.

"It works most of the time..the physic shards usually hide in some kind of artifact.Its getting readings from this forest."Chromia said.

"You mean this one that says "Do not enter unless you want to be devoured"?"Bee Said

"I'm Sure it's nothing."Chromia said.

"*gasp* A Singlehorn."Bee said.

"Windblade would have loved to see this."Chromia.

"The readings are getting stronger-"Chromia said.

"The legends are true! The Legendary Crystal City." Bee Said.

"Cmon let's go!" Chromia Said.

"I don't know why people say such bad things about this place. It's Beautiful!"Bee Said.

Skip a bit

"Chromia these paths are a complete circle."Bumblebee said through the comm,but it didn't reach.

He thinks he sees Chromia.

"Chromia! These are a-Wait.."Bumblebee Said.

"Bee I think I got the scanner working again!"Chromia says through the comm,also not reaching.

"Bee? Is that you?" Chromia said to the Crystalline Duplicate

Both Duplicates start to attack.

"Chromia!"Bee yelled

"Bee!what are these things?"Chromia said.

"I think they are Crystal Duplicates of us.."Bee said.

"Ugh.. These things can't die can they?"Chromia said

Next thing you know the Chromia Duplicate pushes Bee into the Crystal walls.

"Bee!"Chromia said,as She tried to pull him out.

"Autobots....Unite!" Bee Said.

"Chromia!Are you Ok?" Bee said as he freed himself.

".....uh.."Chromia said,as She noticed something approaching

"Uh.."Chromia said.

"Oh. NOT OK."Bee said as he turned around.

Whoever this bot is, he wasn't any harm to Bee and Chromia, as he jumped right over them and attacked the clones.

Time Skip to before Silent strike

"So..you don't know how long you were Imprisoned?"Bumblebee said.

"Unfortunately,No.all I know is that it has been a Long time."Thunderhowl said.

"Well,At least you are on our side and not the Decepticons."Bumblebee said.

"That's what I'm still confused about..why are you guys fighting?What happened?"Thunderhowl said.

"I don't know..but I know someone who does. Come on!"Bumblebee said.

"Ok..?"Thunderhowl said.

"JETFIRE!"Bee Yelled.

"What do you need,Bumblebee?"Jetfire Said.

"I want to ask you something, and I want to introduce you to someone as well."Bee Said.

"Ok.ill be out in a minute."Jetfire said.

A minute later..

"So what did you need?"Jetfire said.

"Jetfire I want you to Meet Thunderhowl.He was wondering how the war started and why we are fighting."Bee said.

"It's an honor to meet you."Thunderhowl said.

"You too.anyway,The war mostly started because Optimus and Megatron didn't see optic to optic on the Decepticons." Jetfire said.

"Oh.."Thunderhowl said.

"But..I'm glad we have a bot like you on our side." Jetfire said.

I hate you for what you did but I miss you like a little kidWhere stories live. Discover now