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He didn't know what was going on. But something felt weird. Weirder than normal.

"What is this feeling.." Thunderhowl muttered as he paced the Forest Floor.

Something was nudging him.

"Oh.A Singlehorn?" He said.

" what's in your mouth?" Thunderhowl Asked, noticing a letter in the mouth.

The singlehorn gave him the letter, then lied down. The letter had an emblem. An all to familiar one.

"Onyx..?"Thunderhowl Said, tearing up a little.

Dear Thunderhowl,
I felt like sending this letter was nessacary.

I know it may not he possible for you to get this, and if you did, you probably are questioning how I did this. I unfortunately cannot answer that. But I hope you are alive and well.

Anyway, Back to Focus of this.

I Feel The Cortex Helm is in potential Danger.

You know what you have to do.

Protect it at all costs.

Onyx Prime

"Yes My Liege Prime. I'll keep it safe." Thunderhowl Muttered.

The singlehorn had disappeared. It wanted to make sure he had read it.

I hate you for what you did but I miss you like a little kidWhere stories live. Discover now