Chapter 1

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"Lance, on your left!"

"Thanks, Shiro!"

"Hey Hunk, I bet I can take out more Galra soldiers than you!"

"That's only because you're so short you can sneak up behind them. Some of us don't have that luxury!"

"Well maybe if you would be a bit quieter, you could be sneaker!"

"Oh, shut up Mullet! You're just showing off!"

Shiro took a deep breath, "Remember Takashi... they're all minors. You can't start cursing, just because they are acting childish..."

"Hey Pidge, I bet you 10 GAC you can't take out a soldier with your eyes closed!"

"You're on!"

"Patience... Yields... Focus..."

Team Voltron was currently locked in hand-to-hand combat with a legion of Galra soldiers. The Galra had taken over a lab on one of the planets in the coalition, and the team was trying to liberate it. Luckily, these soldiers were pretty low-ranking, so the fight was easily swaying in their favor.

Keith sliced his bayard through one of the soldiers and looked up, "I think that's all of them."

They all looked around the lab and agreed that it had been cleared.

"Good work everyone." Shiro praised.

"No need to thank me," Lance puffed out his chest, "I know I carried the team."

"Yeah, carried us down." Keith retorted, and the two started bickering.

"So, what kind of experiments does this place even do?" Hunk asked.

Coran responded over the comms, "That lab specializes in creating technology that can heal wounds."

"So, kind of like the Healing Pods?" Pidge asked.

"Sort of." Coran continued, "Where the pods can take several hours to heal victims, this technology could heal wounds in mere minutes."

"Wow..." Lance picked up some kind of gun-shaped devise. "How does it work?"

"Huh..." Pidge began examining some of the notes, "This is fascinating. It looks like the device almost... sends the wound back in time if that makes sense... You aim it at a specific injury, and it resets it to how it was before it was injured. This technology could be revolutionary!"

"That's why this mission was so important," Allura commented. "While it is not finished yet, we could not let this technology fall into the hands of the Galra. So as Shiro said, good work everyone."

"Alright guys," they all turned to Shiro, "Let's get back to the Castle, then I think it's fair to say we can have the rest of the day off. We've earned it."

"Yes!" Lance, Pidge, and Hunk cheered.

"Oh, come on," Lance nudged Keith. "Aren't you even a little bit excited?"

He just shrugged, "I plan on just spending the rest of the day in the training room."

"Ugh, that's so boring!" Hunk complained, "That's what we do every other day!"

"Yeah, come on Keith!" Pidge grinned, "Have a little fun for once! Maybe we could all do a movie night!"

She tried to wrap her arms around him, but he immediately pulled away, "I don't really... do fun..."

Shiro just gave him a small smile, "One movie day won't kill you."

He was about to protest when he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. One of the soldiers had only been wounded and was raising his blaster. "Shiro!" Keith jumped on top of him, knocking them both to the floor, and protecting him from the blast. Instead, the laser hit the healing ray that Lance had been looking at earlier.

All the Paladins had the shield their eyes as bright light flooded the room. As soon as they good see again, Lance fired his bayard at the soldier and incapacitated him.

"Are you guys, ok?!" Pidge ran over to where Shiro and Keith had fallen.

"I'm alright." Shiro groaned. "Just sore. I can't believe I missed that guy."

"Don't blame yourself." Hunk assured. "We all missed him."

"Keith? You alright?" Shiro tried to reposition the boy on top of him, but something felt... off... "Keith?" he was able to roll Keith off of his chest so that he was laying on the ground next to him. in the same instant, all of their eyes widened.

"Um..." Lance glanced around the room, "Is it just me... or does Keith look like a little kid..."

(A/N - Hey guys! Thanks so much for reading! I hope you like it so far. Sorry, for posting 2 Voltron stories back to back. It's all I have in my reserves right now. lol. I upload every weekend, so I'll see you then! When I say Vol, you say...)

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