Inspirational Message 1.3

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"Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible." - Francis of Assisi


Just by that thought, we can conclude that at the beginning of every accomplishment is a one-tough-choice... a one-tough decision where one goes on as "yes" or "no". When you start doing what's necessary, what you need instead of what you want as of the moment, you'll learn that the major impossibilities came just like a snap. It will just become part of your memory. Once you won't do something for that moment, you lost a second of your life, you lost giving someone a better home to live in.

The Earth is a living proof of His blessings. Even though we have sinned, still, He chose to help each of us in His own ways. It may be different from the way we expected it to be but it is His version of the best way possible.

We just have to trust His will through trusting ourselves. 'Cause we are not made with one great soul when we have nothing to be capable of doing. We might not see our purpose now, but in the future, it will show itself like a spirit of oneself which no one ever believed in in the past.

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