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"Hey Reese, can we talk?"

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"Hey Reese, can we talk?"

"Negatory." I tried my very best to escape his hold however, little did I know he would actually grab my uniform vest and spin me around roughly.

"Here," Laurie grabbed my hand hastily and rather desperately. "You can slap me again if it makes you feel better ok? You win."

"Let go Laurence!" I shrieked purposefully. I wanted to make a scene and it worked.

Students occupying the halls and searching their lockers all turned and gawked to get their share of the situation.

Laurie ran a quick hand through his golden brown hair in frustration, his angled hazel eyes staring at me attentively,

"I didn't mean for you to get suspended, I swear on my life Reese." He pleaded.

"Not like it matters much anymore," I mumbled, pacing down the hallway in hopes of losing him.

A small grin began to form on his face, "You're right, it doesn't matter. So no grudges ok?" He kept up with my short strides with ease.

Not like I was ever the tallest anyways, only standing slightly taller than a step ladder.

Laurie on the other hand, was the captain of the school hockey team, and I'm about 90% certain there was a height requirement of 178cm to join that school sanctioned club for inbreds and mouth breathers.

"It's too early for this." I dismissed him with a wave of my hand.

"So when? When can we address this?" He insisted impatiently.

"Can you just leave me alone?" I stopped dead in my tracks to lour at him, sharing one of the nasty glares I usually reserved for my mother and June.


"Laurence." The sound of my sisters voice caught me entirely off guard and I prayed for a spontaneous bullet to my head.

"June B," Laurie swallowed stumbling back, with all equal amounts of surprise, perplexity and fear.

"What's all the fuss about?" June asks all fake and innocent. I firmly narrowed my eyes on her small frame,

"What fuss?" I growled out suddenly. "Are you like...everywhere? And must you be so smothering? I'm not five!"

June looked taken aback by my sudden outburst of rage. "You looked trapped, and I just wanted to help-"

"Seriously, what is wrong with everyone today? Suddenly thinking I give an earthly fuck about you trying to make me feel better, just leave me alone." My voice came out shrill and cracked before I sprinted off down the corridor.

Every inch of my skin felt the embarrassment burning through my body. I didn't mean to yell, I never do, really. It just sort of...happens.

After safely making it to the washroom, I pathetically crawled into the biggest stall I could find and focused on steadying my breathing. I hadn't even noticed my heart palpitation increase until this moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2022 ⏰

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