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dear cassandra,

my friends and i went to an arcade today and arcades remind me of the first time we went out. not like out on a date, but more like hangout or whatever. i was an awkward loser back then and i didn't know where i would take you. my friend oscar said that i should take you to an arcade so i did.

the arcade we were in smelled like a mixture of pizza and sweaty kids. you had your face scrunched up the whole time which i found really cute. we played a ton of games like racing games, violent games and we also did a laser which was the funnest one of them all. we wore these silly vests and i couldn't help but fawn over your giggle whenever we'd run into each other. we promised each other not to eliminate each other and it was silly because there were only a few people there and they were kids.

i remember the way you complained when a kid eliminated you. you stomped your foot on the ground and you had a pout on. i tried so damn hard not to kiss you right there but i couldn't hold it so i decided to hug you. your face was contorted in confusion the whole time but we stood there hugging each other until you eliminated me.

"unfair!" i remember myself shouting. you ran away then and i think i found myself staring at you the whole time after that. you were so adorable and you still are now. i still love you so much even though you've moved on. i wanna tell you how i feel but im afraid of you rejecting me, but that's how life is right? you can't expect alot.

i miss you alot cassy, please write back.


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