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dear cassandra,

do you remember the first time we got caught doing a bad thing? when i mean a bad thing, i don't mean the deed, but instead a bad thing, something like a bad doing or something.

i can't exactly remember what happened but i know that we were caught doing graffiti at around 2 in the morning.

we weren't aware of what we were doing so it pretty much says that we were drunk off our asses. it's a good thing none of us got hit by a car or something though.

i don't know what we went to that made us drank as fuck but all i know is we were piss drunk and the only thing we were conscious of were ourselves. like, we knew we were in each others' presence and that we weren't supposed to leave each other's side.

i think i spray painted a penis on the wall while you spray painted a man shitting. okay, that was pretty rad but it doesn't match up to the fun i had while i was with you.

i really miss you cassy, please write back and explain to me why you're not coming back.

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