Chapter 8

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"Lad? Lass? What's wrong with him?"

Raphtalia shifted her weight. "The wave is... soon."

" soon are we talking about?"

"Today's noon."

"That would be half an hour from now."

With that, the three returns back to observing, who was stress brewing potions. Already, he had made at least five different kind of heal-related potions and stored them in the infirmary. Taking out some books (that comes along when he was transported over) and handed them over to Erhard for safekeeping, opening more space for dumping more potion.

Or rather, bandage rolls.

Twenty minutes after, Naofumi cleans up after his mess and address his party members.

"Right. Five minutes to go." He stood up and handing out two vials. "Normally I'd say write down your last will, but we all are dirt poor and barely own more than what we have on person. So I'll be quick. Listen to my command. Your priority is to help end the Wave as soon as possible. Old Man, if we don't return, you can do whatever you want with those books."

Naofumi love whatever memorabilia he had, so handing the books out was his promise to return alive and hopefully in one piece.

One minutes to go.

"One last thing: Don't die. I'd hate to bury you."

The timer hit zero.

Vertigo hit the three of them as the world moves beneath their feet in such a speed that leave them dizzy.

When they reoriented themselves, they had gone from the shop into an open area.

The first thing Naofumi notice, was the red sky. The kind you see at Armageddon / End of the World fanarts.

Then what comes next was monsters.

And of course. The dumbass heroes he was saddled with rushes forward to what they call "Exclusive Event Raid" and heading headlong to the source of monsters.

While Naofumi appreciate their enthusiasm, they seems to rushing headlong without proper plan except "Hit anything non-human that moves".

"Right. So here's the plan—"

"Master! It's Lute Village!"

"Oh for love of—" Naofumi does indeed can see the village from his position. And considering he requires the Hourglass to arrive in Wave location, that means the site of disaster is random thus no proper evacuation plan! "Plan B! Get on the village and defend it with all your might! Your objective is saving as much of people as possible! Rounds them up and sends them to the mine or whatever bunker they might had!"

"W-what's plan A?"

"Plan A is a bust! So chop chop chop! We're wasting time as it was!"

How Naofumi wished he has a shield that would increase his speed, because he needs it RIGHT NOW!

"Separate!" He commanded before run off to where the monster swarm is at the thickest.

Seeing a mother and her children was cornered by swarm of... grasshoppers? No. Locusts, Naofumi switched shield into one he thought is the most approiapte.

"Shield Prison!"

The small family was surrounded, giving them a short time to breathe and for Naofumi to reach them. Right as the shield prison fall aparts, Naofumi had stood between them and the swarm.

"Air Strike Shield! Expands!"

An Air Strike Shield balloons up until it reach three times its original size.

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