Asaka Narumi.

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Jillian and Sharlene joined Aichi's harem as his servants, although he isn't comfortable with that, he still treats them with respect. And they would find another woman in need.

Jillian and Sharlene were staying Aichi's apartment since they didn't have anywhere else. They would clean, buy groceries and cook. They would also welcome Aichi home wearing nothing but an apron or sometimes nothing, as taught by Suiko. They would in the extra bedroom.

One day while Aichi was walking home, he saw something happening in an alley. He saw some guys ganging up on a girl. Aichi decided to stop them. But, someone handled them. The girl they ganged up on knocked them cold. She wasn't scared, she had a disgusted look on her face. "Honestly, such a joke. You guys are pathetic" she said. She began to walk away then she saw Aichi. "Listen. You didn't say anything right?" she demanded. "Yep. Sure. I didn't. I'm going" Aichi said. Aichi arrived home and got the usual greeting. "Welcome home, Master" they said. "Hey girls. I'm taking a shower" he said. "I'll help you" Sharlene said.

"No it's fine. You help Jillian" he said. Aichi took a shower and contemplated what he saw. "Let's I never see her again" he said. He got out the shower and had dinner. He noticed the girls were standing. "Please sit" he said. "But we are your servants Master. We must stand" Jillian said. "I know. But I insist" he said. The girls sat down. Then there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it" he said. The opened the door and it was her. "So, this is where you live? Nice" she said. "How'd you find me?" he asked. "I followed you. You seemed unfazed by what happened" she said.

The girl hung her arms around Aichi. "Hey, get off Master!" Jillian demanded. "Yeah! How are you anyway?" Sharlene asked. "Me? I'm Asaka Narumi. A woman feared through to tough streets and you my friend... have caught my eye" Asaka replied. "What are you gonna do to Master?" Sharlene asked. "I'm not gonna hurt him. Instead, you'll be my pet. And by pet I mean... sex pet" Asaka replied. "No, you can't! He doesn't belong to you!" Jillian argued. "Yeah! He belongs to the others!" Sharlene stated. "Others? So these two aren't the only ones. Well, let's meet them tomorrow. Otherwise, you'll get it" Asaka said. Then she left.

"Are you going to listen to her?" Jillian asked. "I have no choice. I'll have to" Aichi said. The next day, Aichi invited the girls round and were waiting on Asaka. "Why'd you invite Aichi? I mean, not that I'm angry or anything" Rekka said. Misaki noticed Jillian and Sharlene were worried. "What's wrong girls?" she asked. "Nothing" Jillian replied. The door knocked. "Welcome" Aichi said. "Aichi! Why is she here?" Kourin asked. "You know her, Kourin?" Rekka asked. "Yeah. She's well known for being a gang leader. How do you know Aichi?" Kourin asked. "Well, your boy toy here saw me in the wrong so I gave him an ultimatum" Asaka replied.

"Which was what?" Misaki asked. "That I have sex with him in my dungeon otherwise I'll tell the press that Ultra Rare are all dating the same guy" she said. "What? You can't do that!" Suiko argued. "I'll do it" he said. "Aichi! You can't!" Misaki argued. "I c have to. I can't have Ultra Rare's lives being ruined because of me. But promise me, as long as I do it you don't do anything" Aichi pleaded with a cute face. "Yeah fine. Be ready tomorrow" Asaka said whilst blushing a little. "I'll collect you tomorrow. Don't make me wait" she said. She left.

"Aichi, why did you agree? Who knows what she'll do" Kourin said. "It doesn't matter. All that matters is that your loves aren't ruined. I'll do anything for you girls because I love you. And that's all that matters" he replied. The girls hugged tightly in worry.

The next day came and Aichi was waiting to be collected. Jillian and Sharlene held each other in fear. "I'll be fine girls. You don't need to worry" he said. "Of course we'll worry. You're our Master. In fact, our first Master who treats us like normal people and we don't want to lose you" Sharlene said. "I'll be fine" he said. Aichi gave them each a kiss, then the door knocked. "Come on Aichi. Let's go" Asaka said. "Bye girls" he said. "Goodbye Master" they said. Asaka led Aichi to her dungeon. What they didn't know was that Rekka was following them.

Aichi found himself in Asaka's sex dungeon. "Sit" she said. But Asaka had an uneasy look on her face. "You don't look as if you're okay with this" he said. "I'm fine! You don't need to concern yourself" she said. "I'll be right back" she said. After a minute, Asaka came out wearing a dominatrix outfit. "Woah!" he said. "Now remove your clothes! Your Mistress demands it!" she exclaimed. Aichi removed his clothes and sat down. Asaka saw his twitching cock and was star struck. "It's... it's huge. It's amazing. If I put it in, I might break. Oh well" she thought.

"Now lie down. Let's see if your girls are getting satisfied" she said. Asaka teased her pussy by rubbing his cock again it. "I'm... I'm drooling. I'm nervous" she thought. Asaka sat down and felt her whole world break. "Ahhhh! It's amazing! Ah. Let's move" she said. Asaka started moving up and down. "Sit up. You can suck my breasts like a baby" she said. Aichi started to suck her nipples. "Oh wow! The sensation! It's amazing!" she exclaimed. "I'm gonna come. I'm coming!" Aichi exclaimed. "No you don't. Not yet" she said. Asaka got up and finished it by sucking his penis.

"Asaka. I'm coming!" he shouted. Asaka felt the full force of him coming. "I can't... I can't handle it. It's too much" she kept thinking. Asaka swallowed it all. "Delicious" she said. Then they heard a noise. "Huh? Who's there?" Asaka said. Rekka peared from the corner. "Rekka? Did you follow us?" he asked. "Sorry. We were concerned about you so yeah, I did" she replied. "What about Ultra Rare?" Asaka asked. "Kourin and Suiko are covering me" she replied. "I see you're into the same style as me" she said. "What? Domination?" Asaka asked. "Yeah. She even dragged me to buy some new toys once" he said.

"Yeah. He's totally supportive. And he said he'd helped try them out" Rekka said. "Maybe I misjudged you" Asaka said. "Misjudge me?" he asked. "I thought you were some scumbag who collect women for personal gain. I brought you to teach you some manners" Asaka said. "Really? Aichi's not that kind of person. He's caring, loving, loves us all equally and spends equal time together. On some occasions we have group sex" Rekka said. "You do huh? How about we finish him, together?" Asaka suggested. "Sure. Hey Aichi, make some mental notes for when it's me and you!" Rekka squealed.

Asaka gave Rekka an outfit also they dominated Aichi. Giving him a double boob job, both licking his penis and riding him at the same time. "Ahhh! Incredible! I don't want to stop!" they kept saying. They kept doing it until evening. "Oh look at the time. We better get home, Aichi" Rekka said. "I'll walk you both home" Asaka said.

Meanwhile at Aichi's place, the girls were waiting with concerned expressions. The door opened. "Aichi, are you okay?" Kourin said. The girls hugged as if they hadn't seen him in forever. "What happened?" Suiko asked. "Oh nothing much. Asaka just got the wrong impression of Aichi. But that didn't stop us from having an incredible time" Rekka replied. "As in... you guys had sex?" Misaki questioned. "Yeah, sorry" Rekka said. "All that matters is that you're safe now, Master Aichi" Sharlene said. "Hey Aichi, let's do that again sometime. Later" Asaka said.

"I know. How about from time to time we all dominate Aichi?" Rekka suggested. "It's really amazing" she said. "Dominate Master. I don't know" Jillian said. "I don't see why not. I mean, we should after making us worry like that" Kourin said. Aichi chuckled nervously.

To be continued...

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