◂ ⁺ ★ PART ONE

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★˚⋆  THE TWO MECHANICS CLAIMED THE only reason he was mopping floors was because their cleaning bot had broken down the day before. They'd get it repaired soon enough, but in the meantime, the shop floors needed to be wiped clean of the oil and grime and he was a free pair of hands, wasn't he? 

He knew that excuse was a bag of flack, considering he'd seen the little bot puttering away in the bathrooms this morning. The mechanics just didn't trust him to do anything more important than wiping the floors at the moment.

Bag of flack. He smiled at that. The crude expression would never have crossed his mind a few weeks ago, and yet, here it was, filtering into his thoughts as though he'd been raised on an Lower Space moon colony. The mechanics' dirty mouths were starting to rub off on him. His advisers would have a fit if they knew.

Vulgar language aside, he didn't mind the mopping. It wasn't as though he knew all that much about space cruisers and ships to begin with. He would be happy to keep doing what he was doing as long as the two mechanics provided him meals and he could keep staying in their shop as cover.

The irony of the situation wasn't lost on him. He was used to swiping his card without a second thought, confident in the knowledge that his account would always be full. Now he didn't have a credit to his name. It was a humbling experience, and if he were anyone else, a hopeless one.

But he'd always liked a good challenge. Monotony didn't suit him.

Neither did overalls or this haircut, but that couldn't be helped.

His eyes flicked to the holoscreen mounted on the wall as he mopped. The sound was off, so he had to read the subtitles running across the bottom of the screen.

"A precious specimen from an Upper Space businessman's collection was recently stolen by a gang of space thieves at approximately two in the morning yesterday. The small turtle is one of the few surviving original organisms from Earth, and was to be sold at auction in a few weeks. Witness reports indicate the likely culprits as the crew Passione."

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