Youre Dismissed.

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"Sonny, I'm not your fucking assistant!" You yell as you barge into his office without knocking, "Stop telling your
minions it's okay for them to ask me to deliver things to you."

After flinging the papers at him, you wonder if this behavior slightly crossed the line but quickly remember how this exact scenario has become all too frequent for your liking. Sonnys staff think it would be better for you to deliver papers and documents to him. It would be less likely for them to feel his wrath if they weren't constantly entering his office. His temper is something
they dread. Although, you found it very sexy as long as it isn't directed towards you. His power and authority make
you more aroused than you probably should be when it's on display. Your heels click impatiently as you wait for his response.

"What did you just say to me?"

"Seriously?! You heard what the hell I said the first time, You say flippantly fully intending on walking out his
office. The door slams shut on its own and you know you're in trouble. Trying to placate the situation before it gets out of hand, your once snippy tone quickly takes on a more apologetic quality.

"sonny, I'm sorry for bursting in here but you need to remember I'm not your personal assistant." Displaying a
timid smile, you hope he takes your apology at face value; not making a big deal about your sudden outburst earlier.

"Shut up and sit down (Y/N)."

Shocked, you stand there staring at him, not sure if you should listen. You can only imagine how much worse things would be if you walk out of the room. Doing as he says, so not to irritate him anymore, you shuffle towards one of the leather chairs in front of his desk. For several minutes, Sonny continues on with his work; switching his attention between the paperwork stacked in a neat pile and his computer. Either he's completely ignoring you or he's forgotten you're there.

Contemplating whether or not to speak up, you finally decide to ask him why he wants you to stay. Before you even get a word out, Sonny interrupts you.

"Did I say you could speak?"


"No, what?"

"No, sir. You didn't say I could speak. I'm sorry," You bow your head in apology, hands folded on your lap. You know exactly what he is doing. You hate giving power over to anyone. Both of you very much like to be in control; both dominate and demanding. By no means are you usually this submissive but his temper is not something you want to trifle with.

"Take your clothes off. Leave the heels on." He commands, never taking his eyes off his work. He can't possibly be serious. You know you have crossed a line but there is no reason for him to punish you like this.

"I'm waiting." He trails off finally looking up at you with an impatient glare. You begin to slowly work the button of your shirt open and peel it off your body. Standing, you teeter on your heels as you remove your pencil skirt.

It soon joins the top that's already on the floor. Taking a deep breath, you reach behind you unclipping your bra; the straps falling loose on your arms. Gaining confidence from how hypnotized Sonny is by your little show, you allow the garment to drop revealing upper half to him.

Turning on your stilettos, you bend at the hip removing the matching lace panties; giving him a peek at your soaked core.

To caught up in performing for him, you don't notice that he's gotten up and is now behind you until he's pushing you into a kneeling position on the chair. You brace yourself using the chair back as you knees are cushioned by the supple leather. His large hand grips your hip as the other skims up your back before tangling in your hair. You yelp when he sharply tugs your head back. Your neck aches at the angle it's forced into.

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