Thats It, Sweetheart.

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hi again...

Y/N- your name

Y/U/N - your undercover name

Y/L/N - your last name


Letting out tense breath, you mull over everything Sonny had just said. "This whole idea feels weird..." you finally speak up.

"I know it does... but we really don't have any other choice. They believe we're a couple and soon they'll find it suspicious..." Sonny responds.

"Fine... how are we going to do this then?" you sigh, finally giving in.

"We don't have to go the entire way, it just has to be enough to convince them that we're a couple" Sonny tries to reassure you.

Nodding your head in agreement, "you can go and get comfortable... I'll be out in minute."

After Sonny had left the bathroom, you were staring at your reflection in the mirror, still trying to wrap your head around what was about to happen.

The truth was that the weird feeling you felt was not one of mortification that you were going to have to be intimate with your partner, it was one of excitement instead.

For years you had been in love with Sonny and you still were till this day, but that was something you would never tell him.

Sonny and you have been partners for almost five years now and you have known him for even longer than that. You were initially friends with his old partner, Mike (dodds); the two of you had become close friends during your training days in the academy.

Mike was like the little brother you never had and he would always jokingly say that you were the nagging older sister he wished he had.

The first time you met Sonny was the day Mike and you graduated from the academy and officially became officers of the law. That was the day your life would forever be changed, the day your torture of having to be around Sonny Carisi on a constant began.

Taking a deep breath, you looked yourself over once more in the mirror, "It's now or never I guess."


Sonny was lying on the bed in his boxers when you entered the bedroom, "hey, you ok?" Sonny props himself on an elbow, concerningly staring at you.

Exhaling softly, you smile at him, "peachy-"

"Come here baby" Sonny wiggles his fingers at you with a low growl, causing you to arch a brow at him. Sonny shruggingly tilts his head to show you he was trying to make things seem more believable.

Doing your best to plaster on a seductive smile then, you remove the robe you were wearing, revealing the sexy black silk negligee underneath and make your way to the bed.

You were so lost in your own nervous thoughts that you never noticed the look in Sonny's eyes change the moment you had removed the robe.

Truth was, Sonny had always seen you as a very beautiful woman, a guy had to be blind not to see it. Sonny was old, not dead and sure as hell had perfectly good eyesight. So, when it came to the effect you had on men, Sonny himself wasn't even immune to it.

You got onto the bed, turning on your side to face Sonny. "You ready?" Sonny gently asks you.

Biting into your lower lip, you slowly nod your head at him in answer. Your breath then suddenly hitches in your throat when Sonny gently placed a warm, calloused hand on your bare knee.

"If you start feeling uncomfortable at anytime just say the word; RAIN and I'll immediately stop." Sonny instructs you and begins slowly running his hand from your knee and up your thigh.

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