Get Low

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|Warning|: A lot of smut ahead, if you don't like reading smut, then don't read it at all, please don't send hate either.

Today it was Liam's birthday and Zayn wanted to do something very special for him. He did have an idea but he wasn't very sure about it.. but he anyways decided to do it no matter what, it was his comfort person's birthday so he had to do something interesting... and the thing he was going to do was way too tempting to not do it.. he just had no idea if it will turn out good..

Zayn wasn't very much good of a cook, but definitely better than Louis, like Louis once burnt water so.. Hah! yeah Zayn wasn't that stupid. Zayn decided to make breakfast in bed for Liam. He made bacon and eggs on toast, that's the best he could do, the classic breakfast in bed, and some orange juice in a glass on the side. He carried the breakfast tray up the stairs carefully making sure not to drop it. He somehow managed to open the door without using his hands since he was holding the breakfast tray with both of his hands. He let out a heavy breath when he finally managed to open the door without dropping the the tray. He walked in, and it was the most beautiful sight to see, he almost dropped the tray but steadied himself immediately. He gulped and thought to himself, 'It's going to be one hell of a day..'.

Yeah even though he was supposed to be all giggly and blooming with happiness all day, he was very nervous all day. Liam firstly sealed Zayn's lips with a kiss full of love and adoration. "Zaynnn you didn't have to do this baby!" "Oh shut up birthday boy, not gonna appreciate my cooking skills?" "C'mon Z, you know I didn't mean it that way.." "Yeah yeah I know, I'm joking love, now eat it and tell me if I made it right." Zayn said while chuckling. "Alright." chuckling back.

The breakfast Zayn had made, Liam absolutely devoured it, though when Zayn took a bite he almost threw up because there was way too much salt. But Liam said it's fine because he doesn't always do it. Zayn's heart could burst with the love and adoration he has for this man. He then just watched Liam eat and then they watched boring T.V. all day, and it was only 2 hours left until the boys would arrive to celebrate. And Zayn had started getting very fidgety, he had to do it before any of the boys would arrive...

He went in the bathroom and locked it, he had it all already planned since ages, he just hoped his plan would work out the way he wanted. He got changed into the outfit, and all the other things that were necessary. He had to watch videos on youtube to do some stuff, he didn't understand why half the shit was even necessary, girls really spend hell lotta time doing it, actual wastage of time. But oh well why was he watching vidoes which included girls doing stuff...?

When he was ready he got out of the bathroom, before getting out though he took one last look in the mirror and made sure everything was perfect.

When he was going downstairs, Liam maybe heard his footsteps and said, "Babes where have you been? Why'd you go- Oh woah- uhh-"

When he was going downstairs, Liam maybe heard his footsteps and said, "Babes where have you been? Why'd you go- Oh woah- uhh-"

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Ziam Mayne Smut One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now