Dilemma of the Living

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This world is an unfair place, always has been, even before the Great Pirate Era. However, in this world, there also exists a balance. An intricate web of existence is weaved in the loom of reality and in this tapestry woven by time, there also exist concepts, ones that define almost all of existence. ‘Almost’ being the keyword, for some devils defy all logic and with it the rules that apply to their peers.


“Kacchan was acting really aggressive today,” Izuku mumbled to himself while cradling his half-burnt notebook. The words Quirk Analysis for Future were still legible on the charred cover.

Izuku Midoriya was a 14-year-old boy with a height of about 5’4’’, an average height for his age. He had messy green hair that was slightly curly at the ends. His eyes were a similar shade of green, and he possessed a freckled face and a thin, slender frame that gave him an almost bony look. He was currently wearing a school uniform, which was slightly singed at the cuffs and the shoulders.

He was walking back to his house after school, actively avoiding any alleyways and sudden turns in his path. After all, Musutafu was a place well-known for its above-average crime rates and Izuku wasn’t strong like “Kacchan.” After all, he didn’t possess a quirk of his own.

I’m sorry, Izuku! I’m so sorry I couldn’t give you a quirk.’

Just thinking about it made him wince. He pulled himself out of his musings before he could go any further. Just remembering the day he had been diagnosed as quirkless made him slightly teary-eyed even after all this time.

As he was walking past yet another dark and foreboding alleyway, he heard a sharp noise. Izuku jumped backwards with fright as he turned to look at the source of the commotion.


He sighed with relief when he saw a cat jump out of a trashcan, most probably looking for food.

“Thank God it was only a cat. I thought I was done for!” Izuku sighed with relief.

The cat was walking towards him now. He bent down to better look at the cat. “I’m not touching you!” he mumbled to himself as he spied the filthy coat of the cat, probably from scouring through all the trash.

“You poor thing, you must be really hungry right now.” The cat just hissed at him.

Weirdly enough the cat reminded him of himself—a helpless little thing that nobody was happy to help. After thinking that he started to look at it in a different light. Feeling sad for it, he started to reach for some of his lunch that he didn’t get to eat because he had his hands full with Bakugo and his lackeys.

All of a sudden, the cat jumped back from its previous position as if it were trying to get away from something when he felt something crash down on the back of his head.


The first thing that Izuku felt when he finally came to was a massive headache along with a stinging feeling on the back of his head. He let out an involuntary groan of pain as he pressed his head against the cold and hard concrete surface to subdue the pain somewhat, but it was all in vain.

“Finally awake, are we?” came a rough voice from above him.

Immediately, his body went stiff as a board the moment he realized his predicament.

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