Chapter - Prologue

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*Self Narration Begins*

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*Self Narration Begins*

???: Nebula M78 or as many may call it "The Land Of Light".

???: It is home to many of the beings called Ultramen.

???: We are known for being protectors across the galaxy and bringing peace to all.

???: But sometimes, not every place is peaceful and a lot of them have threats beyond our understanding.

The scene then cuts to a building which had multiple apartment rooms and in one of them we see a young Ultra getting ready for their class.

???: Ah! Where is it? Where is it?

In the room, we can see many books that are on the shelf but are really unorganized and we also see multiple Ultra hologram posters in the room which displayed advertisements to various places in the Land Of Light.

???: Aha! Here it is! And uh Whoa!

The young Ultra suddenly slipped on a round object which caused him to slip and fell backwards towards the bookshelf which you can guess, the whole thing fell on him.

Then the Ultra punched a hole in the fallen bookshelf to get out of the ruble of books and items.

???: Ow!! My back!!

Suddenly, a voice announcement plays on the holo-monitor in the room.

Announcer: Attention IGDF Students, today's session starts in approximately 30 minutes. Please make sure you are ready with all your equipment for today's activities and trainings.

???: EEEK! Gonna be late! *opens the sliding doors*

The young Ultra then opens their balcony door and jumps off and starts to fly heading towards the Inter Galactic Defense Force building in the distance.

        *Self Narration Intensitives*

Matrix: My name is Matrix, Ultraman Matrix. Well, technically I haven't been granted the title of it but it sounds very cool to say it in my head.

Matrix: I'm one of the many rookies cadets from the Inter Galactic Defense Force.

As Matrix is flying to his day to day class, he manages to say hello to a couple of Ultras that are sitting in their own balcony which he actually knows of.

He then stops and lands on the ground and proceeds to walk to the entrance of the IGDF building.

Matrix: Lately, a lot of Ultra lessons have been postponed due to recent attacks involving the Absolutians. Supposedly, they are these Golden Beings who have the ability to traverse through time and space. Atleast, that's what I've heard from Z.

The scene cuts to Matrix in class which a dark blue Ultra is giving them assignments for the entire class to do aswell as history lessons to memorize.

Matrix: We were told by our instructors to train hard for the coming battle. From what I've heard from Z, the Ultras and The Absolutians have been in constant war.

Ultraman Matrix // ウルトラマンマトリックス (Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now