Ultra Skits - Too Much Energy

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So I'm gonna give you a basic rundown of these, basically these are mostly comedic skits that are targeted away from the main story plot chapters. Basically these are some of the situations I like to imagine or are actually canon in the Ultra Franchise. These are mostly short so I hope you enjoy it.


It was a normal day in the land of light and it was a day off for a lot of the Ultras at The Intergalactic Defense Force. Matrix on the other hand, he was tasked with helping move some equipment that is too much for Hikari to handle.

                   *Lab door opens*

Matrix: Hey uh... Professor Hikari, where do you want me to put these boxes?

Hikari: Eh? Oh...uh... yea just put them anywhere on the floor.

Matrix then puts the boxes on the floor near the other equipment.

Matrix: So are these the last of them?

Hikari: I hope so, my work has been non-stop lately.

Matrix: -_- Gee, glad you noticed.

Hikari: Thanks again for helping me, I could've asked for Z's help but currently he's off world. He mentioned something about catching some alien parasite or something.

Matrix: And of course, you decided to ask me.

Hikari: Heh, come on. Not everyday you get to enter my lab.

Matrix then looks around to find that the lab seems to be in a not so clean condition.

Matrix: Why are there so many energy drinks here?

Hikari: Oh uh, they give me an extra boost when I have to stay up to do some important research.


Hikari: *chugs downs his 32th can of energy drink* Whooo! All nighter let's goo!

Hikari then passed out due to all the energy drinks he consumed

                   *flashback ends*

Matrix: No wonder why Sora mentioned you have not been getting enough sleep. -_-

Hikari: Anyway, I'm currently still working on a counter weapon for the Absolutians, so I might have to pull and all nighter. Matrix, can you open that storage box on the wall there?

Matrix: Sure.

He then walks towards one of the storage units and opens one of them to find something rather shocking.

Matrix: Sweet Holy Noa, Where did you get all these energy drinks?!

(An example image to imagine it)

Hikari: They are my lifetime supply

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Hikari: They are my lifetime supply. You should try one. It's nice.

Matrix: Uhm... I think I might just leave you alone. Y'know, I have other stuff to do...

Matrix then leaves Hikari's lab with a concerned face.

Matrix: And I thought Commander Zoffy's coffee addiction was bad...


So, hope you all enjoyed this little skit. This was mainly inspired by some people on twitter who think that Hikari drinks enegy drinks alot. Also let me know if there are any other skits you want me to do that are Ultra related or just a running gag among the community.

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