Chapter 8

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3 weeks later


Skylar sighed as she sipped her coffee on the balcony. Living with Liam had been great. Lots to get to use though. Armed men all over and in a very secure house. Ella was loving her bedroom, she had all the toys she could want. The only downside was that Liam was urging her to agree to start off having Ella learning about the family business. It was a sore point with her but she knew deep down that one day Ella would learn about it. 

"Hey beautiful, what's on your mind?" Liam said as he came beside her and kissed her cheek.

Skylar smiled softly at him, "Hey yourself handsome, just thinking about Ella and what you are involved in and what's next for her."

"It won't be as bad as you think. It will be more focused on languages, self-defense, stuff like that. I won't be teaching her how to torture or interrogate people. She's too young for that. And if she has no desire to do that once she get's older than there is always other people to do it. She will have choices. I promise you Skylar, I will force nothing on Ella. She will always have a choice."

Skylar sighed, "Fine, you've convinced me. We can tell Ella together about the change together tonight. And I guess we can do half days at the public school so Ella has more time to learn other things."

Later that day at dinner Skylar brought up the subject.

"Ella darling, your dad and I were talking and we would like to start teaching you some new things. Like different languages and self-defense."

"What's self-defense?" Ella questioned.

"You will learn moves to defend yourself and how to fight back in the chance you ever need to," Liam said.

"But why would I have to fight anyone? Mommy say's fighting is not the way to go about solving problems."

Skylar smiled and said, "Yes, that is true. However, it is always good to have moves in case you ever have to defend yourself."

"I guess that makes sense. Does learning these new things mean I get to spend more time with daddy?"

"Yup, you most certainly will," Liam replied.

"Yay!" Ella smiled hugely as she clapped her hands in excitement. 

Skylar and Liam laughed at Ella's reaction. And thus began Ella's training. 

Liam - A few months later

Liam ran his fingers through his hair as he scanned the papers. He sighed deeply. Sometimes he hated being in charge. He thought back to his parents who were happily living out their retirement travelling. 

"Hey Boss, what's going on?" Ben said as he walked in. Matt and Henry followed closely behind.

"Just the usual. The boys on the eastern side have some issues with their neighbors they want help with."

Henry sighed as he grabbed a glass of whiskey, "They need to learn how to deal with their own problems."

"Yeah, I agree but this is what helps keep us in charge. They need us. We have the resources and man power to do whatever we want and everyone knows that," Matt responded. 

Liam chuckled and rolled his eyes, "Henry, I leave this in your capable hands to deal with since you enjoy it so much."

"Oh screw off Liam," he replied good naturally. The guys all chuckled.

"Speaking off, how's Skylar and Ella doing?" Ben asked.

Liam couldn't keep the grin off his face, "Amazing. Having them here is everything I could ever hope for. Ella is doing amazing. She is a natural at fighting. It makes me feel better knowing that my daughter won't have to rely on her bodyguards all the time."

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