Chapter 1

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Skylar Warner grew up in a small community, population of 1000. It was the type of place where everyone knew everyone and nothing was secret. The town had no internet, no cell phones, no electronics, and very little outside contact. It was the place where no one left. There was crops for food and well's for water so no need to have outside people come in. She had a loving father and mother. Her father was the town mayor and her mother was the perfect stay at home wife. However one tragic day, when she was 10 her mother died suddenly and it was a turning point in their relationship. Her father became bitter, and mean because Skylar looked like her mother and he hated the reminder. Skylar's home became a place where she was abused and beaten. She knew she could tell someone but knew no one would believe her. Her father was loved by all and could do no wrong in the eyes of the people. However on the day of her 18th birthday, she met a boy and her life was changed forever. 


Skylar crept outside while it was still dark out, she knew her father wouldn't be up for a couple more hours yet. She couldn't stand being in that house, but knew that if she wasn't there when her father woke up with breakfast ready there would be a beating in it for her. She sighed as she walked to the creek just outside their property. She wanted to leave this awful place but had no idea how. She never had any contact with the outside world, all she knew was in this community. They were cut off from civilization. She was stuck and she hated it. The sun was starting to rise and she hurried back to her home knowing she needed to get breakfast going.

Skylar was just finishing up setting the table when her father came down. "Good morning father," she said.

He grunted at her as he sat down and grabbed the food. Skylar sighed inwardly. She missed the days when there was laughter and conversation. "One day," she thought, "I will get out of here and never return."

Her father finished his meal, and as he stood up from the chair said, "I'm off to work now, do your chores and have dinner ready by 530".

"Yes father," she replied as she started to clear off the table and do the dishes. Once everything was done for the day, she changed into a blue sundress and started to head into town to meet up with some friends for a birthday lunch at the one and only diner. As she was walking down the street, she heard a rumble and looked around unsure what it was. All of a sudden she heard it come behind her and as she jumped out of the way there was a guy wearing all black on a motorcycle and as he swerved around to miss her, his bike went sideways and he went down to the ground and his bike went off the cliff. 

"Oh my goodness gracious," she yelped, "Are you okay?" as she ran to where he was lying on the ground.

"I'm fine sweetheart," he responded as he winked at her and jumped up. Her face blushed a deep red not use to the endearment. "But my bike doesn't seem to be in working shape," he stated as he peered over the edge. 

"I can go into town and get help, we have a good mechanic, I mean we don't have motorcycles here but we do have a few vehicles so I'm sure he could fix up your bike for you."

"Well, I'm not one to leave a pretty lady by herself so why don't we walk in together and you can show me around?"

She blushed as she looked down at the ground, "If my father finds me talking to a stranger he won't be happy."

He frowned, "Most parents would be okay with helping someone in this type of case, it's not like I'm going to ravish you."

She giggled, "Yes, I guess you're right. Well let's go, daylights wasting. By the way, I'm Skylar, Skylar Warner."

"Liam Blake," he said.


 "What blasted luck," he thought to himself, "My dad is going to kill me if I don't get home in time for the meeting. Hopefully this mechanic is competent." He reached for his phone and saw he had no service. "Skylar, is it normal not to have any service?" 

"Service for what?" she questioned.

"My cell?" he replied.

She looked at his cell, "Oh my goodness, I have never seen one, I've only read about them. A real life cell phone!" 

He chuckled as he watched her expression change into something of wonderment. "How have you never seen one? Or how do you not have one? Where I'm from it's common practice to have one."

Skylar blushed under his gaze, "We don't have any electronics here, we are pretty off the grid, um, my father is the mayor and he doesn't want any form of electronics here."

"Okay, weird, but fair enough," he said. Liam knew there was something off of this area, but didn't realize just how primitive it was. "Best to get out of here as soon as I can," he muttered to himself. Liam knew that being off the grid was not going to bode well for him. 

Finally they made it into town and Liam was speechless. This town was primitive. How people lived like this was weird. Skylar was pointing out the various shops and who ran them. Liam tried to pay attention but he got sidetracked by watching Skylar and could feel himself get hard. He noticed the way the dress hugged her body, the small but perky breasts just straining to be free and her long shapely legs. He swallowed and tried to think of anything to make it go down so he wouldn't scare her off. 

"Here we are," Skylar said softly, "This is the mechanic shop."

Liam pulled his eyes from her body and raised them to her eyes. "Thanks sweetheart, I hope to see you again."

Skylar blushed and looked down, "I'm meeting some people for my birthday lunch but maybe we could meet a bit later? In the trees where we met? I don't want to attract attention. My father won't like it."

"Happy birthday darling," Liam said, "I would give you a birthday kiss but I don't think that would go over well in this town."

Skylar giggled and shook her head, "No, that would not go over well. I wish you best of luck with this mechanic and hopefully see you later this afternoon."

"You can bet on it," he said as he waved goodbye and watched as Skylar went down the street. He shook his head to clear it and walked into the shop. Thankfully the mechanic seemed decent and was able to get his bike from the bottom of the cliff and said it would be about 5 days to fix it up. Liam was quite thankful that there was not as much damage as he thought. Since there was no hotel around, he found a man who was willing to rent out his extra bedroom for as long as he needed. Liam got settled and decided it was time to go meet up with Skylar. 

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