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15 years later


"Here's to you little brother, future heir of this empire," 22 year old Ella smiled at Theo as she raised her wine glass to him.

He smirked and took a shot of his whiskey, "And to you dear sister, the best assassin of said empire."

Ella smirked at him, "You better hide that before mother comes. You know how she is with underage drinking."

Theo grimaced, "Yeah, I know. But it's just so damn good. Besides a shot or two won't kill me. It's not like I drink everyday. It's my birthday. I deserve a drink."

"Yeah, but mom might kill you regardless if it's your birthday or not."

They grinned at each other and laughed. Ella than leaned back in her chair and enjoyed the sun. She had a good life and good family. 

Ella decided at age 16 that she didn't want to lead once her father retired so it went down to the next eldest which was her brother Theo. He was 7 years younger but had more of a knack for the family business than her. She decided to focus her training on becoming the best assassin she could be. She had a knack for stealth, knew multiple languages and her marksmanship was able to rival even the best of them. She was also able to act quickly and rationally making her ideal for the job.

"Ella, Theo, where are you guys?" their mom's voice came down the hallway. 

Theo glanced at his whiskey and quickly hid it. Ella just laughed at him. "You are so busted. We're in the backyard," she responded. 

"Shush you," he whispered. 

"Hey mom," Ella said as Skylar came around the doorway. 

Skylar smiled down at her kids. "Happy birthday Theo."

"Thanks mom."

Skylar sniffed the air and rolled her eyes. "Don't bother hiding your whiskey Theo. I'm not blind and my smell has improved since this pregnancy. Besides I will cut you some slack, it's your birthday after all." Skylar put her hand on her stomach. 

Ella looked at her mom and smiled. The pregnancy came as a surprise to all of them. Ella knew that they weren't planning on having more kids but damn it, she was so excited to have another sibling. Personally she wanted another sister. Theo wanted another brother. They bugged their parents to find out the gender but they refused. 

"Hey beautiful," Liam said as she came around the corner and hugged Skylar kissing her on the cheek than leaned down and kissed her stomach. Skylar smiled at him and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips. Ella watched her parents. She wanted a love like they had. They were disgustingly cute. But she was in no rush to have have kids if ever. She shivered at the thought. No thank you. Kids were most certainly not in her future. 

"Happy birthday Theo," Liam said as he came around and gave his shoulder a squeeze. 

"Thanks dad. It's good to be another year older."

They sat down. Liam grabbed a glass of whiskey, Skylar a glass of sparkling apple juice and they toasted to Theo. 

Ella looked around at her family. She was damn lucky to be where she was. She raised her glass with the toast and took a shot. Yup, damn lucky and she wouldn't change it for the world. 


Finished! Thanks for sticking with this book. I hope you enjoyed it. :) 

I have definitely been thinking of a sequel at some point. So depending on what people would prefer, I'm down to do a MF book or RH book with Ella as the lead.  I'm leaning towards a Romeo/Juliet style, or bodyguard/forbidden romance style. But I'm open to suggestions. So feel free to comment with what you would like to see and when I get around to doing a sequel I will go based on what most people want. 

Hope you all have a good day!

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