Bonus: The tall, goofy hippie who lit the universe on fire

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I was a couple months into my second job
Before I met him
Had previously left the restaurant
For something that opened more doors
And paved longer pathways
With better benefits to boot
Tired of making pizzas and heating wings
And the lack of decent hourly pay,
I traded my red polo
For a grocery shirt and steel-toe shoes

To put it, this was a fresh start
A job that gave me a chance
In pursuing another passion
Other than writing,
Which is still very much my passion
I wanted something new and different
Didn't want it to be in the kitchen
Exhausted by constant Kidz Bop
Playing on the monitors
The shouts from children
And the confronting Karen's
That had me hiding away
In the walk-in cooler
I also wanted more time out of the day
For rest and productivity
This new job gave me that

The big caveat was a risk
Working the so-called graveyard shift
Starting from 10 at night
Ending at 6 in the morn
I'd be sleeping after sunrise
Waking up at near sundown
Big, big change, but it's worth it
Understood it clear
And I liked it

Jump to early spring
I find new faces in the building
A new boss, one position above me
But one position below the real boss
I barely spoke to him at the beginning
Once the seasons changed,
We started to bond
He gave me rides to and from work
Took me out for a meal here and there
Pulled some corny and cackling jokes
That the whole store heard me laughing at
I only wondered again and again
If this was something more

Is there a chance at romance?
Yes and also no,
We're getting close, caring for one another
Though one elephant stands between us
Taking our professional relationship
Into consideration and the way it'll looks,
He could lose his position
And I have too much on the line
I need my job
But I don't want to lose him

I like him, of course I do, and vice versa
But it's bad timing
I'm at a point in my life,
Where I'm not ready to fall in love
I've already seen what love does to me
It's intense and borderline mental
And it takes too much out of me

But he said he will wait
He'll wait until it's the right time
When there's not a lot in the way
Coming in between this budding friendship
I trust him, and he trusts me
Therefore, I will wait too
Until we can start this chapter together


Reflection: so I had written this back in mid-October, and I will say, he was the reason I marked the collection as complete.

The reason for that is because we're dating. We've been dating since Halloween 2022. Prior to this, he had quit his job after taking time off for mental health reasons, and with my consent, he asked if we could date. Of course, I said yes, because I'd felt this way about him for a while and I was ready to start the next chapter with him.

We are still together as of posting this, and honestly, he is such a good boyfriend. That's all I'm gonna say about that.

Here's a picture of us.

Here's a picture of us

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