Next of Kin

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Three years ago I lost my mother and two younger siblings in an apartment fire that my father caused. While not directly, nor intentionally, I, and so many others, lost their families that night. 

I moved to Texas afterwards once I realized I could never look him in the eye again. I became a firefighter, just like him. Though, there were two major things that set us apart; he suffered from substance abuse and I have superpowers. 

Over the years I've found the irony in the fact that they stemmed from the fire he caused. The worst and best thing to ever happen to me wrapped all in one horrific night;

I overheard my parents fighting, mom had just found out dad relapsed. Dad said he was going for a walk so I decided to go after him. I circled the block with no luck, only to arrive back to a burning home. 

I ran inside trying to get my family out, the way to our apartment having already been blocked off. I heard someone screaming nearby so I busted my way in. 

They were trapped in their bedroom, the door already engulfed in flames. I started bashing a chair against the wall, desperate to save them. Before I could get halfway through, the entire room exploded, causing me to black out. 

I woke up in the hospital, dad sobbing by my side. 

We found a place to stay, but only long enough for me to realize I couldn't be around him anymore. I had a friend that moved to Texas a year beforehand and I figured she was my best bet. 

Along the way I discovered I could control fire, (at least partially) heal people, travel anywhere I wanted with only the intention of being there, and my intuition significantly heightened. 

I used these powers to soar through the fire academy and then went on to be the best firefighter on my team. 

Until, a few months ago when my dad reached out. He said he'd gotten more than clean and that he was the Chief of Station 118 in LA. Then, he offered me a job. So, I joined his team.

I arrived in LA two months ago;


Currently, we've just arrived on scene at a child's birthday party. A bounce house had blown down a hillside, taking multiple people with it. 

Dad: "Alright, we're gonna stage the trucks on that service road. Hen, I want you and Buck to rappel down, anchor that bouncy house. Assess the condition of those kids, start to send them down one by one in a basket. I'll take care of the dad, Kymberly you're with me. Chimney, you're gonna stay up here and work the winch."

Chim: "Hey. How come I never get to do any of the fun stuff?"

"Working the winch is fun." He gave Chim a pat on the back, immediately taking off for the truck. 

We got suited up and slowly propelled down the cliff. 

Dad and I arrived at the father's side, he laid motionless but aware. 

He groaned a small "Cameron..." 

D: "Sir, sir, do not move your head. Stay still, we'll get you out of here as soon as we can."

Him: "Cameron..." 

We looked him over, luckily, nothing seemed too serious so we waited for Hen and Buck to get the kids down before requesting the gurney.

We got him onto solid ground, his wife and son rushing to his side instantly;

Cameron: "Dad!"

Wife: "Dan!" 

Cameron: "I thought you were dead."

Man: "I'm okay, Cam. We're both okay. I love you so much."

Cameron: "I love you so much, too."

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