chapter 1

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No ones pov

In the quiet DC city where people are minding their own buisness and Heros save the day. They hear a sound up in the sky and see some thing or some one fall from the sky. Superman the strongest man alive caught what ever was falling only to see it was a female with brown hair and Tanisha skin. The female was still unconscious so he took her to the justice leagues space station and put her in the infirmary. After that, he told the others what happened and what he caught causing questions and suspicion. Humans don't fall from the sky unconscious. Something must have happened and the only way to fund out is by talking  to the female when she wakes up. One hero name Zatanna sence something magical coming from the unconscious female when they went to see her. He even told the others about it the difference is that is an old type magic. Magic that comes from witches.

The other heros want to know how she can tell. And zatanna said " I learn about magis since I was a kid when they manifested. My father has thought me that there are different magics in the world and one of the oldest type are witch magic wich then created other types of magic over time. Only back then it was good and black magic now it has expanded to different magic. Anyway, zatanna also notice that she has a strong witch magic meaning that she could be the only witch that has infinite magic making her immortal. This shocked the other heros as well. The question is how and why this mysterious female appeared out of no where? And how she is so powerful?

Marsion Man Hunter scared the female to see if maybe she is from another universe or planet. When he does the machine found that she is from a different universe one that I'd new to them. It says that she is from 2022 year on a planet called earth but this planet earth has them as a fictional superhero show. This shocked the others again. Not only did she appeared in the sky falling, she has witch powers that is infinite and makes her immortal, and now she also came from a different time, planet, or universe where they are the entertainment. They really need to find out more when she wakes up. For now they will let her be.

Everyone left except one Batman he knows about different universe no thanks villans that come from them but how is it that he never knew about this one especially one that has them as an entertaining show. Does this mean that they know he is who the justice leagues are behind the mask? If so they can ither ve friends or enemies. Maybe he should watch over the female until she wakes up. Just incase she does something bad. Though he won't lie she is beautiful

Who knows maybe she can be his type or she can be an enemy

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Who knows maybe she can be his type or she can be an enemy. We will se

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