Wanted Man-Angel-Thing [Pt. 2]

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I twisted around in the leather backseat of the Impala, trying to find a comfortable position. Jack, who I now knew to be a nephilim, sat opposite me behind Dean while I sat behind Sam.

He sent me a small smile which I sent back. The atmosphere was less tense around him now that it had been explained to me that he hadn't intended any harm to come to Kaia or myself, that he'd only been wanting help to rescue Dean and Sam's mother.

However, that still left us with Kaia missing and to be honest, I was worried sick about her. I tuned back into the conversation in the car then.

"We find her, no matter what it takes," Dean was saying to Sam.

Sam agreed with him and Dean paused for a moment, his green eyes locked on the two of us in the backseat.

"Kids, you okay?" he asked gruffly, trying to cover up the slight tone of concern lacing his voice.

Being called a "kid" was a tad bit insulting but I let it slide, circumstances being what they were.

"You thought... You both thought that I could do that, that I could kill Derek..." Jack said quietly from beside me.

Wow. So this was going to be one awkward car ride. Sam and Dean shared a knowing look, a sense of guilt hidden there.

Sam spoke first, "Jack, we, um... We didn't know what happened. We figured, m-maybe it was an accident or– or..."

"Like the security guard," Jack interjected.

"Yes. Exactly. Like that. Jack, we were worried, okay? You know, when you disappeared, you were in a dark place. And we didn't know where you were going and..."

Dean cut to the chase, "-thought you were looking for your dad,"

Jack paused for a beat, dumbfounded, "You mean Lucifer?"

My dark eyes went wide as saucers, eyebrows hitting my ebony hairline, "I'm sorry. Your dad is who now?!"

Jack looked over at me, surprised at my reaction. He opened his mouth to speak but whatever he was about to say was of no consequence to me as I attempted to unbuckle my seat-belt with one hand while my other was already on the handle of the car door.

"No, no, no, no, no. This is messed up. I'm just gonna find Kaia on my own-" I began but Dean cut me off.

"You sit your behind back down, do you hear me?!" he roared in such a "dad voice", I nearly laughed despite the dire situation, "Because if you jump out of this moving car, so help me, I will leave you here. And good luck finding Kaia on foot with no supernatural backup."

That shut me up immediately as I bit my lip and eyed Jack. From up front, Sam looked to have been triggered by "so help me, I will leave you here" as if he was having some sort of flashback but said nothing. Silence reigned supreme in the Impala until the nephilim broke it.

"Look, Lucifer may be my dad. But he's no one to me. Sam, Dean, Castiel - they're my family," Jack told me, his expression earnest and his voice sincere.

"Yes, we are." Dean agreed with him from the front seat.

Suddenly, Jack groaned in pain, clutching at his head and Dean swerved to pull the car over to the curb.

"Jack?" Sam asked in concern.

He sighed in response, massaging his temple as it passed, "That...it was angel radio. They've got Kaia."

Dean clenched his jaw as we got back on the road and I could feel my chest constrict with anxiety for my cousin. We were all each other had, more of a sister to me than a cousin. I couldn't lose her.

𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐊𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄 [ 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 ] ✘Where stories live. Discover now