Nephilim Shuts His Cake-Hole [Pt. 1]

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AC/DC blared out of the speakers as Dean drove down the road, tapping the steering wheel with his hands while Sam whined about the loudness of it. Jack sat in the back seat across from me, gazing out the window at the passing trees and houses. He seemed so entranced by it, he didn't even notice when I leaned closer to him.

"Whatcha lookin' at?" I whispered into his ear, making him shudder as startled, he jumped away from me.

I giggled as he turned to look at me and he smiled slightly, gesturing to the window.

"It all goes by so fast!" he said excitedly.

I frowned in confusion before it finally dawned on me and a grin split my face, "You've never ridden in a car before,"

He shook his head 'no' simply and beamed at me, making me roll my eyes playfully as he resumed staring out the window with a look of wonder on his face. The boys had found a case and this time, Jack had been allowed to come along. All thanks to Sam of course since Dean was still more or less ignoring the kid. Well...I say "kid" but technically he looked to be about my age. Although he really was about like, 16 years younger than me. A few minutes later, we stopped in a suburb in front of a pristine white house with columns on the front porch.

This must be where the new case was. I got out as the boys did and stepped onto the dewy green grass in my high heels. Jack started to climb out after me when a hand barred his way. Glancing up, I scowled at Dean who was smirking down at the young nephilim.

"Not today, sport," he uttered once before slamming the door shut in his face.

Sam scoffed from behind him, "Dean!"

I growled lowly, crossing my arms over my navy blue blazer. He always treated him this way and I hated it! Dean brushed past his brother and strutted up to the driveway to the house. Rolling his eyes once, Sam shot Jack a look of sympathy before turning to me.

"Would you stay with him?" he pleaded with me and I sighed, biting my lip.

"Sammy!" I whined, stomping my foot childishly on the ground, "Why can't you do it?!"

He arched an eyebrow wordlessly, not saying anything for a few minutes till finally, I gave in.

"FINE!" I huffed before opening the car door and ordering Jack, "Move over!"

He obeyed immediately, clearly confused about my mood swings. Nephilims clearly just didn't understand that time of the month... Sam shot me a grateful smile before wandering after his brother into the house. A sigh escaped my lips as I leaned my head back against the seat, my eyes fluttering closed. Why was it always me that got stuck babysitting?! No matter what I did, they always stuck me with the bad jobs!

Suddenly, I felt eyes on me and my eyes flew open into bright blue orbs, a nose only inches from mine.

Jack beamed, "Hi!"

I groaned, pushing him far away from me until he was sitting with his back pressed against the door handle on the other side of the Impala.

"Jack, what did we talk about?!" I sighed, shaking my head but he stayed silent.

I frowned, "Personal space!"

His mouth formed an 'O' before he nodded to me, "I remember that conversation now. My apologies..."

I rolled my eyes, "It's fine, Jack. Don't be so somber,"

"Sober?" he asked, eyebrows furrowing.

Another groan.

"SOMBER! You've never drank before so technically you can never be sober," I explained and he nodded again.

Another bout of silence ensued when finally, I grinned.

"You know what? I'm bored! Let's do something fun!" I said, sending the nephilim a mischievous smile before crawling over the front seat and sitting down in the driver's side.

I chuckled to myself, shaking my head as I turned the key in the ignition. Dean was always leaving the key in. His loss, I suppose. Suddenly, the Impala revved to life - the engine purring like a kitten.

I ran a hand across the dashboard, "Good Baby!"

Chancing a glance into the backseat, I saw Jack just sitting there - a dumbfounded expression on his face.

Groaning, I patted the seat beside me, "Come on, Jackie-boy!"

Hesitantly, he crawled over the seat and plonked down into the passenger side. I arched an eyebrow at him and with slow movements, he put on his seat belt. The Impala sped down the road as soon as the metal from the belt clicked into the hole. Jack's blue eyes widened in surprise and I laughed loudly as everything whizzed past us. We drove like that for a while before I noticed Jack's hand inching towards the radio.

"Ah, ah!" I said, slapping his hand away playfully.

He shot me a confused look but I just grinned at him and echoed Dean's words from long ago...modified a bit, of course.

"Driver picks the music, nephilim shuts his cake-hole."

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